- Psychological Operations - Wikipedia34747
- Psyops - Disinfopedia34748
- Gulf War II week one (Archive)34751
- Link Crusader (Archive)34753
- Psychological Operations / Warfare - a history34757
- Military History, Info, Stats34758
- Psychological Operations (Archive)34760
- Retired Air Force Col. On How Bush Admin. Used Psy-Ops, Propaganda and Information Warfare In Build-Up to Iraq Invasion - DN 10/0334759
- CNN Diary (?) - A Cronicle of Lies 4/0334754
- PSYOPS in the Newsroom - FAIR 6/00205621
- CNN let army staff into newsroom - Guardian 4/00205620
- Propaganda - Ready, Aim, Inform - TWT 3/0034750