General Info
- #CSP24 - tw202146
- Treaties & Agreements35905
- Chemical Weapons ! - Wikipedia35906
- Chemical Weapons Convention (1997) - Wikipedia35907
- Scientific advisory board Keeping pace with scientific and technological change - OPCW245112
- CONVENTION on the Prohibtion of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons - OPCW *.pdf35908
- The OPCW investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, Syria - Berlin Group21344157
- Chemical and Biological Weapons (FAS)35909
- Inside Porton Down: what I learned during three years at the UK’s most secretive chemical weapons laboratory - Conversation 20.02.25458184
- Report for European Parliament challenges OPCW’s Syria cover-up - Aaron Mate 19.09.23385829
- Syria: Chemical weapons pose unacceptable threat, and are a ‘danger to us all’ - Global Issues 05.01.23323829
- Podcast: Walter Dorn on Novichok- Project Save the World 22.12.20232437
- Video: Walter Dorn on Novichok - Project Save the World 22.12.20232438
- Is Turkey violating the Chemical Weapons Convention? (pdf) - IPPNW 10/22311845
- Chemical Weapons Watchdog Is Just an American Lap Dog - Alt World 19.12.19195867
- The Proliferation of Chemical and Biological Weapons Materials and Technologies to State and Sub-State Actors 11/0135911
- South African Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme (Archive 2002)35914
- What happened to Halabja on the Bloody Friday ?35915
- Iraqi Chemical and Biological Warfare Capability (Archive 2001)35916
- UK Tested Poison Gas on Indian Soldiers - USA Today 7/0735917