General Info
- Criticism of the war on terror - Wikipedia216095
- Perpetual War (ideal for arms industry & oppression) - Wikipedia35312
- Authorization for Use of Military Force - US Congress 35313
- War on Terrorism ? - Wikipedia35314
- War for Oil ! - Wikipedia35315
- Guardian - World35316
- War on Terror - Global Issues35317
- Documentary: Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror216098
- Documentary: War on Terror, 2011216101
- Audio: The Secret War On Terror - BBC, 2011216099
- Book: 9/11 and the War on Terror - Paul J. Springer, 2020216100
- Podcast: Warpod Reckoning with 9/11 episode 5: Evolutions: Remote Warfare & CVE - SafeWorld 14.10.21263208
- The War on Terror Was Corrupt From the Start - NY Times 9/21269768
- Hiroshima and Terrorism - @RBrulin 06.08.20217006
- A timeline of the U.S.-led War on Terror - History 05/20216092
- Chatham House Director: No Military Solution to Power 5/1735323
- 15 YEARS WAR ON TERROR & REGIME CHANGE - Jurgen Todenhofer 11/1635311
- Our Greatest National Security Threat? Perpetual War 8/1635324
- Report: Measuring the effectiveness of America’s War on Terror (pdf) 2016 216097
- Culture of Terrorism (Chomsky 2015)192160
- THIS is more of a threat than ISIS - CNN 11/14 - 2013 deaths toll in the USA from terror 7, from lightning 23, from autoaccidents 32.850 (almost unchanged over years)35326
- USA and the War on Terror - Stop the War Campaign (Archive)35318
- War on Terror - Stop the War Coalition (UK)35319
- War on Terrorism: US and NATO-led military operations - Wikipedia35320
- Oliver Stone - The Untold History of The US - Bush & Obama Age of Terror 4/15 (must see)35325
- Britain spent £34bn on wars that promoted terrorism rather than reduced it - StWC 4/14 (Archive)35327
- Sibel Edmonds Explains Who's At The Top Of The Pyramid 3/13 (must see)35329
- James Madison: No Nation Can Preserve Its Freedom in the Midst of Continual Warfare 6/1335328
- Special Report: Top Secret America - Washington Post (2010)35321
- A hidden world, growing beyond control - Washington Post (2010)35322
- War, Terrorism, and the Media ! - Howard Zinn Talk - ZStore Video35330
- Noam Chomsky's take on "War on Terror" - YouTube35331
- Criticisms of the War on Terrorism - Wikipedia35332
- Role of the US Media in the War on Terror - Wikipedia35333
- African Embassy Bombings (1998) - PBS35334
- Report: The global war on terrorism: The first 100 days - U.S Department of State (Archive 2001-2009) 216090
- FBI ‘lured dimwits’ into terror plot - Times 5/0935335
- Tony Benn MP (Part 1) "END The WAR On TERROR" 3/09 - YouTube35336
- 'War on terror' was a mistake, says Miliband - Guardian 1/0935337
- Report: Framing the War on Terror: The internalization of policy in the US press - University of Texas, 2009216094
- The Pornography of Power: How Defense Hawks Hijacked 9/11 and Weakened America - Robert Scheer 6/08 (amazon)35339
- Federal Bureau of Investigation - Counterterrorism35341
- Most Wanted Terrorists - FBI35343
- Yale Law School - The CIA Mandate and the War on Terror 35344
- We Can Best Stop Terror by Civil, Not Military, Means 11/0735345
- Cashing in on Terror 10/0735346
- Grand Theft Pentagon: Tales of Corruption and Profiteering in the War on Terror 1/06 (amazon)35347
- Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism from Inside the Bush White House 10/02 (amazon)35348
- Act Now for a Safer World (USA) - nuclear, biological & chemical weapons (abuse of fear factor)35349
- Safer World (UK) -prevent violent conflict and encourage co-operative approaches to security35350
- Mark Fiore animation 35351
- War on Terrorism - Third World Traveller35354
- Terrorism Watch - Third World Traveler35355
- Investigating Al-Qaeda - BBC 9/0635356
- Response on Terrorism - Homeland Defense (Archive 2006)35362
- Report: Human rights and the War on Terror - University of Denver, 2005216096
- The War in Context - Alternative perspectives on the "war on terrorism"35357
- Amnesty International - Justice Not Revenge: 11 September Crisis (Archive)35359
- Detentees and Other U.S. Post 9/11 Policies - hrw (Archive 2003)35360
- The Carlyle Group - Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Make Billions from the War on Terrorism35361
- Investigating Al-Qaeda / The Money Trail - BBC35363
- A New Agenda to Combat Terrorism - Justice Not War 11/01 (Archive)35364
- David McReynolds: Responding to September 11 - A War Without End? - WRL (Archive)35365
- Minnesotans Against Terrorism35366
- A Brief History of Terrorism by the USA - Howard Zinn 200235368
- Thich Nhat Hanh Calls For Peace In NYC Speech Two Weeks After 9/11 - Democracy Now! 26.09.01274233
- Media March to War - FAIR 9/0135369