Roots of Terrorism
- Terrorism: Causes and motivations - Wikipedia271259
- Preventing Violent Extremism through Promoting Inclusive Development, Tolerance and Respect for Diversity - UNDP Discussion Paper270776
- Root Causes of Violent Extremism in Africa: Understanding Multi-Disciplinary Factors - TheStreet 1/21270775
- Antiwar Radio: Scott Horton Interviews Ray McGovern (CIA veteran) 5/0757727
- Antiwar Radio: Scott Horton Interviews Michael Scheuer (CIA veteran) 5/0757728
- Antiwar Radio: Scott Horton Interviews Philip Giraldi (CIA veteran) 5/0757729
- The New Crusade: America’s War on Terrorism 2/0257731
- The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism 12/01 (amazon)57732
- Exploiting global crises, nations impacted by conflict at heart of Da’esh, affiliates’ strategy, counter-terrorism officials warn Security Council 09.08.22300423