Battered Men
- Abused Men in Scotland (AMIS)236006
- AASAS - Men and sexual assault236013
- Battered Men - Menstuff41538
- End the Fear - Mens help236008
- Help Guide - Help for men who are being abused235997
- Know Your IX - Male survivors236020
- Male Survivor236018
- Mens Advice Line236003
- RAINN: Sexual assault of men and boys236009
- Rape Crisis - Support for men and boys236019
- Refuge - Support for men236004
- Surviving Divorce: Battered men – The other side of domestic violence235999
- Survivors UK - Male rape and sexual abuse236016
- Survivors Network - Male survivors236017
- Prevent Abusive Relationships - 8 tell-tale signs of battered men235996
- One in three domestic abuse victims is male – here’s why we need to talk about them - Conversation 05.12.24444163
- Male rape survivors suffer in silence. We need to help them talk - Guardian 16.01.21236021
- Male domestic abuse victims 'sleeping in cars and tents' - BBC 23.09.20236002
- The other #MeToo: Male sexual abuse survivors - Psychiatric Times 08.04.20236010
- Male rape, sexual violence and sexual abuse - UK Says No More 13.02.20236015
- US men sexuality assaulted in the military - NY Times 10.09.19236011
- Male victims of domestic violence struggle to disclose abuse - Reuters 17.07.19236005
- 'My abusive wife battered me over letting the cat in' - BBC 25.09.18236001
- Battered men: The hidden hurt - Who What Why 07.03.17235998
- The understudied female sexual predator - The Atlantic 28.11.16236012
- More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals - Guardian 05.09.10236007
- Effects of sexual assaults on men: Physical, mental and sexual consequences - Research Gate 05/07236014
- Research on Battered Men & Violent Women 11/05 (Archive)41539
- Battered Men - a secret side to domestic violence 12/04 (Archive)41540
- Battered gay men: An exploration of abuse, help seeking, and why they stay - Research Gate 02/00236000