- Gay Men's Health (UK) - Archive133528
- Stonewall398015
- LGBT Rights in United Kingdom - Equaldex398016
- London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival133529
- LGBTQ+ Rights in Britain - The National Archives 398013
- Key dates for lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality - Stonewall398014
- Homosexuality, Gay Men, Lesbians & AIDS133530
- LGBT rights in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia398012
- Avert: UK AIDS Charity - Young gay and lesbian133531
- Queer Issues / Gender and Militarism - Andreas Speck133532
- In 1994, I was the last person sent to prison in the UK for being gay – and I’m still being punished today - Guardian 02.04.24408994
- Thousands celebrate Pride in Brighton after two-year hiatus - The Guardian 06.08.22302369
- UK falls down Europe’s LGBTQ+ rights ranking for third year running - Guardian 12.05.22398017
- Tom Daley ‘incredibly proud to say I am gay and an Olympic champion’ - Guardian 26.07.21255809
- Olympic diving star Tom Daley in relationship with man - BBC 12/13133533
- Tom Daley: Something I want to say... - YouTube 12/13133534
- London Friend - LGBST133535