General Info
- Global Displacement Forecast Report 2025 - DRC, 2025461442
- Global Refugee Forum: 13-15 December 2023389799
- 2022 Forcibly displaced people worldwide - Refugee Data Finder271899
- 2022 Interactive World Migration Report - IOM277637
- 2022 World Migration Report - IOM277633
- 2021 Global Report on Internal Displacement - IDMC248484
- 2020 Annual Global Trends Report - UNHCR248483
- UNHCR - The Global Compact on Refugees355907
- Welcome to ICMC - The International Catholic Migration Commission - ICMC266130
- UNHCR - Refugee Population Statistics Database247166
- Global Migration Group90221
- UN OHCHR - Migration & Human Rights90222
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)191430
- Global Compact on Refugees - Wikipedia355923
- Refworld (UNHCR)90223
- UN Population Division - International Migration90224
- Human Rights Watch - Migrants90225
- Online Community on Migration and Integration - Building Inclusive Societies (IBIS)90226
- IssueLab - Immigration90227
- Refugees - Wikipedia90228
- Refugee Camps - Wikipedia90229
- Forced Migration - Wikipedia90230
- Right of Asylum - Wikipedia90231
- Migration Guide - OneWorld90233
- Refugee Guide - One World90234
- ID2020 - Wikipedia272774
- Immigration to Europe - Wikipedia 288827
- Category:Immigration to Europe by country - Wikipedia 288828
- List of largest refugee crises - Wikipedia277626
- Report: UNHCR Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2024356375
- - Independent information for refugees and migrants coming to Europe90232
- @ICMC_news266131
- #RumoursAboutGermany - Twitter90235
- Rumours about Germany - info for migrants90236
- Most countries do not take a fair share of refugees – here’s how we could incentivise them - Conversation 10.04.24408158
- The State of Refugees - Voronoi 29.03.24447048
- Tweet: Beautiful illustration of where people are (and are not) concentrated by @undertheraedar - @conradhackett 27.11.22329617
- UNHCR’s unprecedented US$700m funding gap spells catastrophe for millions - Relief Web 24.10.22312641
- Angela Merkel awarded top UN refugee prize, for aid to Syrians fleeing war - UN News 04.10.22309405
- Video: I Read 100 Studies on Immigration - Then & Now 30.08.22311651
- Cartoon: Selective Humanity is No Humanity. - 09.08.22303076
- More than 89 million people had to flee their homes in 2021 due to conflicts, violence, fear of persecution and human rights violations - @UNPeacekeeping 20.06.22292142
- Visualising the fastest-growing refugee crises around the world - Al Jazeera 16.06.22291382
- 10 Largest Refugee Crises to Follow in 2022 - Concern 13.03.22277632
- BOOK:My Fourth Time, We Drowned - Sally Hayden 03/22284494
- The different types of displaced persons - Borgen Project 03.02.22273185
- Who counts as a refugee? - Economist 27.07.21251720
- Who is a Refugee - Human Wrongs Watch 16.12.20228451
- Book: Hara Hotel: a tale of Syrian Refugees in Greece - Thornhill, T 4/1890237
- Movie: Human Flow 2017 - Ai WeiWei187652
- Book: Voices from the 'Jungle' Stories from the Calais Refugee Camp - Calais Writers 1790238
- Book: Threads: From the Refugee Crisis- Kate Evans, Verso Books 6/1790239
- Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2016 - UNHCR 19.06.17 .pdf90240
- Book: Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move - Amazon 11.10.1690241
- Book: The New Odyssey: the story of Europe's refugee crisis - Guardian Books 05.05.1690242
- Book: The Age of Migration, Fifth Edition: International Population Movements in the Modern World. 5th Edition (Stephen Castles et al, 2014)90243
- Book: Survival Migration: Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacement (Alexander Betts, 2013)90244
- Boats 4 People90245
- Teachers TV - Refugees90246
- Internal Displacement 2008 - IDMC90247
- Migrant Rights317764
- Migration: The Facts ! - New Internationalist90248
- My Life as a Refugee (Smartphone application) - UNHCR90249
- World Refugee Survey 2009 - refugees.org90250
- Walk With Amal - Good Chance261790
- Refugees - worldrevolution (Archive 2003)90251
- Tanitoluwa Adewumi - Everipedia 196170
- Displaced people: Why are more fleeing home than ever before? - BBC 24.09.19201282
- In the 21st century, we are all migrants - NatGeo 08/19277603
- Behind the Headlines: Who Are the Crimean Tatars? - National Geographic 15.03.14265035
- Refugee crisis - Wikipedia233509