Cyber Attacks - Protecting your data
- Cyberattacks on healthcare: A global threat that can’t be ignored - UN News 08.11.24440066
- Surge in Hospital Hacks Endangers Patients, Cyber Official Says - WSJ 07.09.23372918
- Cyberattacks on health care are increasing. Inside one hospital's fight to recover - NPR 08.05.23345188
- 11 years, 10 arrests, at least 62 women: how did Britain’s worst cyberstalker evade justice for so long? - Guardian 30.03.22280258
- China accused of cyber-attack on Microsoft Exchange servers - BBC 19.07.21250222
- US and allies accuse Chinese government of masterminding Microsoft Exchange cyberattack - The Verge 19.07.21250224
- Microsoft accuses China over email cyber-attacks - BBC 03.03.21250221
- The US has suffered a massive cyberbreach. It's hard to overstate how bad it is - Guardian 23.12.20230563
- NSO Group spyware 'dangerous', say tech firms in legal filing - Guardian 22.12.20230246
- Dozens of Al Jazeera journalists allegedly hacked using Israeli firm's spyware - Guardian 20.12.20230244
- Open-source code for truly privacy-preserving, decentralised Bluetooth contact tracing - Michael Veale 17.04.20206351
- Customer Guidance for WannaCrypt attacks - Microsoft 12.05.17171790
- Protecting your organisation from ransomware - National Cyber Security Centre 17.10.16171794
- Countering cyberbullying, Resolutions - Human Rights Council 14.10.24449627