- Maori Women's Welfare League Incorporated - New Zealand456300
- Metis National Council - Canada456301
- Native Children's Survival456356
- Indigenous Journalists Association456357
- National Association of Friendship Centres - Canada456358
- Partnership With Native Americans456359
- Organization of Indigenous Nations of French Guiana456360
- Ogiek Peoples' Development Program (OPDP) - Kenya456361
- NunatuKavut Community Council - Canada456362
- Native Women's Association of Canada456363
- Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples - USA456364
- Semilla Warunkwa Foundation - Colombia456365
- Registered Trustees of Pastoralists Indigenous Non-Governmental Trust (PINGOs - Forum) - Tanzania456366
- National Indigenous Women Forum - Nepal456367
- Tsilhqot’in National Government - Canada456368
- Solidarity of Young Girls for Education and Socioprofessional Integration (SOJFEP) - Democratic Republic of the Congo456369
- United Zo Organization (UZO) - USA456370
- West Africa Coalition for Indigenous People’s Rights (WACIPR)456371
- World Indigenous Tourism Alliance - Australia456372
- Association of Women Kabylie - Algeria456383
- association TAGHRMA - Morocco456384
- Tamount Association for Culture and Development - Morocco456385
- Community of Potters in Rwanda (COPORWA)456386
- Indigenous Peoples Center for Autonomy and Development (CADPI) - Nicaragua456387
- Circle of Joint Initiative for Research, Environment and Quality - Cameroon456388
- Chepkitale Indigenous Peoples Development Project - Kenya456389
- Centre for Minority Rights Development CEMIRIDE - Kenya456390
- centre for pastoralists development - Kenya456391
- Botswana Khwedom Council456392
- Bilie Human Rights Initiative - Nigeria456393
- Endorois Welfare Council - Kenya456394
- Engabu Za Tooro - Tooro Youth Platform for Action - Uganda456395
- Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) of Kenya456396
- Doni Hñethi - Mexico456397
- Dynamics of Indigenous Peoples Groups (DIPG) - Democratic Republic of the Congo456398
- Emayian Organization - Kenya456399
- Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA) - Philippines456400
- Andean Coordination of Indigenous Organizations - Peru456401
- Coordinating Body for the Indigenous Peoples´ Organizations of the Amazon Basin - Ecuador456402
- Community Empowerment & Development Agency -CEDA - South Sudan456403
- horn of africa development initiative - HODI - Kenya456404
- Global Development for Pygmee Minorities - Democratic Republic of the Congo456405
- Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria456406
- Federation des Organisations Autochtones de Guyane456407
- Il'laramatak Community Concerns - Kenya456544
- Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples North East Zone456545
- Indigenous Fishery Monitoring Fund456546
- Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and food soverignty456547
- Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism456548
- Indigenous Peoples Global Forum for Sustainable Development, IPGFforSD (International Indigenous Platform) - Burundi456549
- International Women Communication Centre (IWCC) - Nigeria456550
- Izerfan Agadir Organization - Morocco 456551
- Kanuri Development Association (KDA) - Nigeria456552
- Karamoja Agro-Pastoral Development Initiative KADI - Uganda 456553
- Kenyan Indigenous Youth for Change456554
- Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation - USA456555
- Niger Delta Partnership Initiative (NDPI)456556
- horn of africa development initiative - HODI456557
- Garifuna Heritage Foundation456558
- Federation of Indigenous Organizations of Guyana (FLAG)456559
- Dynamics of Indigenous Peoples Groups (DIPG) - Congo456560
- Endorois Welfare Council - Kenya456561
- Engabu Za Tooro - Tooro Youth Platform for Action - Uganda456562
- Coordinating Body for the Indigenous Peoples´ Organizations of the Amazon Basin - Ecuador456569
- Italian Local Agenda 21 Association - Italy456570
- Columbia Earth Institute - USA456571