Right to Education
- Education Cannot Wait - Website366804
- Afghan women, girls want an education but we can’t fight alone - Devex 01.03.23333191
- UN dedicates World Education Day to Afghan girls and women - Dawn 24.02.23 333181
- State obligations and responsibilities on the right to education - UNESCO 02.02.23333172
- Changing societies through the power of education - Unric 24.01.23333188
- UN chief calls for worldwide commitment to transforming education - UN News 24.01.23333187
- UN calls on Israel to ensure Palestinians' right to education - Middle East Monitor 20.01.23333189
- UNESCO: Right to education demands financial commitment says UN expert - OHCHR 20.01.23333186
- More children than ever are going to school. But are they really learning? - World Economic Forum 18.11.22333183
- Leaving no girl behind in education - UN Women 11.11.22333190
- UN General Assembly Tells Taliban to Reverse Restrictive Policies on Women, Girls - VOA 10.11.22333185
- Every child has right to realize potential: UN education director - Global Times 01.11.22333182
- Impact Survey Analysis: Expanding Access to Education and Life Opportunities - Evaluation and Lessons - CARE Nepal 10.10.22310182
- Education transformation needed for ‘inclusive, just and peaceful world’ – UN chief 19.09.22306418
- 9 lessons – Transforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Refugees - Finn Church Aid 19.09.22306126
- Successfully Transforming Education Requires Protecting It from Attack - Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack 16.09.22305578
- UNHCR Education Report 2022 - All Inclusive the Campaign for Refugee Education 13.09.22305380
- CICR: "El imperativo humanitario es claro: los niños deben asistir a la escuela, incluso durante conflictos armados" - CICR 08.09.22398209
- We Have Promises to Keep: ECW Annual Results Report 2021 - Education Cannot Wait 23.08.22301900
- ‘We Have Promises to Keep’ ~ New Education Cannot Wait Results Report: ECW Investments Reach 7 Million Crisis-Impacted Children and Adolescents in World’s Toughest Contexts -…302462
- “Schooling” isn’t enough: The urgency of quality education for children forcibly on the move in the Sahel - Brookings Institution 09.08.22305018
- Conflict and coherence: Investigating Humanitarian-Development Coherence for Education in the Middle East and North Africa Region: Case Studies of Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen -…302475
- Right to Education in private schools: Can students be forced to pay fees? - The Leaflet 20.06.22333179
- A Call to Expand the International Right to Education - HRW 06.06.22333174
- Realising a Child's Right to Education: Going Beyond the Brick and Mortar - The Wire 12.05.22333177
- Impact of the digitalization of education on the right to education - OHCHR 19.04.22333175
- Children in emergencies are demanding their right to education - Relief Web 24.01.23333176
- Why education remains a challenge in Africa - DW 24.01.22333180
- A Need for Right to Education - Pledge Foundation 06.01.22333173
- @EduCannotWait366803
- Incidents of threats and violence affecting the provision of education: Education in Danger Monthly News Brief, October 2024 - Insecurity Insight 27.11.24443748
- Education in the Arab region: closing gaps to ensure that no child is left behind - UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 13.12.24446142
- Safety, security and access incidents in affecting the provision of education - Insecurity Insight 20.12.24446881
- The right to education for persons with albinism: Report of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism - Human Rights Council 02.01.24450547
- Right to science: Report of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights - Human Rights Council 21.02.24450549
- Digital Pathways for Education: Enabling Greater Impact for All - World Bank 15.01.25451224
- Education in Danger Monthly News Brief: Safety, security and access incidents December 2024 - Insecurity Insight 20.01.25451777
- Learning During Winter: Risk and Response - Education Cluster 24.01.25452456
- Enhancing Accountability for Attacks on Education: Guidance on Investigating and Prosecuting Education-Related Crimes - Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack 24.0…452469
- International Education Day: GPE and partners launch emergency call in face of worsening crisis - Global Partnership for Education 24.01.25452498
- On International Day of Education: AI’s promise vs. reality for children growing up alone in conflict zones - SOS Children's Villages International 24.01.25452530
- Special Rapporteur calls for prioritising safety as fundamental element for ensuring right to education - UN Human Rights Council 24.01.25452546
- Learning Interrupted: Global Snapshot of Climate-Related School Disruptions in 2024 - UNICEF 24.01.25452561
- Education as a Lifeline: Building Resilience and Peace for Children Affected by Armed Conflict - UN Office of the SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict 24.01.25452604