Parental Abduction
- Voice for the Children, Inc (USA)89125
- Parents and Abducted Children Together - PACT (UK)89128
- International Child Abduction Centre - Netherlands89129
- Parental Child Abduction is Child Abuse !89130
- How can the FCO support you in international parental child abduction cases? - UK Gov 24.12.1989131
- Offices of Court Funds - Official Solicitor and Public Trustee89132
- History of Parenteral Kidnapping89133
- Child Abduction - Wikipedia89134
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - OJJDP (USA)89135
- National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws - Wikipedia89137
- Hague Convention (expensive & time-consuming) on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1983) - Wikipedia89138
- Robbie "The Robot" - YouTube89140
- WRPBiTV - Voice for the Children Clip89141