Children & War
- UNICEF Won’t Stop Helping Ukraine’s Children As War Hits 2-Year Mark - Forbes 24.02.24399766
- Ukrainian children who lost loved ones in war to address UN security council - Guardian 23.02.24398803
- MSF slams US on Gaza at UN, says children as young as 5 want to die - Reuters 23.02.24398799
- Despite two years of war children in Ukraine continue to show resilience and strength - UNICEF 22.02.24398801
- Many children must live with the trauma of war. Here's how to help them - BBC 21.02.24398800
- No respite for children and families in Gaza as UN Security Council ceasefire resolution fails to pass - Save The Children 20.02.24398805
- Gaza: When mothers have to bury at least 7,700 children, very basic principles are challenged, UN women’s rights committee says - OHCHR 16.02.24398804
- Child Rights Committee statement on children in Gaza - OHCHR 08.02.24398802
- UN estimates 17,000 Gaza children left unaccompanied amid Israel’s war - Al Jazeera 02.02.24396628
- Ukraine war: How Russia's war is changing childhood in Ukraine - BBC 02.02.24396630
- What It’s Like To Be A Child In Gaza Right Now - UNICEF USA 01.02.24 396629
- Injured, hungry and alone - the Gazan children orphaned by war - BBC 31.01.24396626
- UNICEF official in Palestine: ‘There are one million children in Gaza traumatized by the war’ - El Pais 30.01.24396631
- Sudan war ‘a living nightmare for children’: UNICEF Representative - UN 25.01.24396627
- Splintering of existing crises, emergence of new armed actors. The critical need for collaborative and complementary approach to better address child protection in armed conf…396062
- Video: Children orphaned by Israel’s war on Gaza talk about trauma - Al Jazeera 23.01.24395602
- UN say women and children main victims of conflict as IDF hit Damascus - Euronews 20.01.24395600
- Women and children are the main victims of the Israel-Hamas war with 16,000 killed, UN says - AP News 20.01.24395598
- Sudan war risks 'catastrophe' for 24 million children amid health, wellbeing concerns - The New Arab 13.01.24395599
- Children in Gaza still at the sharp end of unrelenting war - UNICEF 12.01.24395597
- Video: How does the war on Gaza affect mental health of Palestinian children? - Al Jazeera 09.01.24395601
- Peace and potato chips: Gaza dreams big and small for 2024 - Al Jazeera 31.12.23392069
- The most dangerous place in the world to be a child - UNICEF 21.12.23392067
- War’s toll on education in Gaza casts shadow over children’s future - Guardian 18.12.23392071
- 14 million children need humanitarian assistance in Sudan: UNICEF - Sudan Tribune 18.12.23392072
- ‘War is stupid and I want it to end’: Injured Palestinian children speak - Al Jazeera 15.12.23392070
- Worst Crimes Against Children In Conflict Reach Highest Level Since Records Began - Save The Children 14.12.23392066
- Number of Grave Violations Against Children In Conflict Rose %13 In 2022 To Average 76 A Day - Save The Children 14.12.23392065
- Video: 12-year-old Palestinian detained and interrogated by Israeli forces - Al Jazeera 13.12.23392068
- Bringing Justice to Child Victims of War - HRW 07.12.23392064
- ‘Dire year’ for children caught in conflict, as hospital and school attacks double - UN News 27.06.23355961
- How Do War & Conflict Impact Education? - Global Citizen 26.06.23356364
- ‘Layers of vulnerability’: The children growing up in urban war - Al Jazeera 12.06.23351575
- Unprotected Special Edition: Analysis of funding for child protection in armed conflict in 2021 and 2022 - Relief Web 05.06.23349768
- More than 300,000 grave violations against children in conflict verified worldwide in past 18 years - Relief Web 04.06.23349769
- More than 2.3 million children out of school in northern Ethiopia despite peace agreement - Relief Web 12.04.23340733
- ECW High-Level Financing Conference Raises More than 826 Million USD to Keep Crisis-Impacted Children in School - Global Issues 16.02.23330374
- Tanks and Teddy Bears: Ukrainian Children Paint the War - NY Times 03.01.23328015
- Children of War: The Ukrainian Case - ICDS 20.12.22328025
- Number of Children in War Continues to Climb - Relief Web 19.12.22328019
- How to help children traumatized by war - Nature 19.12.22328037
- Impact of war on children focus of side-event at 2022 Ministerial Council - OSCE 01.12.22328030
- Stop the War on Children: The Forgotten Ones - Relief Web 30.11.22318031
- Protecting and supporting children impacted by the war in Ukraine must be top priority - Council of Europe 18.11.22328022
- Children Still Paying Highest Price of Conflict; Parties Should Strengthen Engagement with the UN to End and Prevent All Grave Violations - Relief Web 15.11.22315767
- Using adoptions, Moscow turns Ukrainian children into spoils of war - The Japan Times 23.10.22328040
- Portraits of Bosnian ‘Children of War’ Exhibited in Belgrade - Balkan Insight 13.10.22328046
- The Prevention of Recruitment and Use of Children in Conflict Situations - Communique of the 1110 th meeting of the Peace and Security Council held on 5 October 2022 - Afric…310113
- Children’s Lives Are Still Threatened by Violence, Discrimination, Conflicts, Third Committee Emphasizes as It Discusses Their Rights - UN 11.10.22310142
- Haiti: More than 2.2 million children in need as violence surges across the country - Save the Children 20.09.22306113
- UN Children and Armed Conflict Office, UNESCO Sign Agreement to Strengthen Cooperation on Education for Children Living in Conflict Areas 09.09.22305036
- Emptying Ukraine’s Orphanages - Reuters 09.09.22328048
- Experts of the Committee on the Rights of the Child Commend Ukraine on its Commitment to Child Rights, Ask about the Mental Health of Children in Light of the War and the Eva…328041
- Ukraine war: History is rewritten for children in occupied areas - BBC 31.08.22328024
- Concrete Efforts to Prevent Violations and Understanding Gendered Dimensions of Conflict Critical to Protecting Children - OSRSG Children and Armed Conflict 26.08.22302513
- Philippines: New Report Details Policy Progress in the Protection of Children Affected by Armed Conflict, though Children Continue to be Exposed to Grave Violations - UN Offi…301896
- Funding Urgently Needed for Children’s Education in Conflict Areas - Global Issues 23.08.22302070
- Children Affected by Armed Conflict in Africa, Statement by SRSG Gamba at Peace and Security Council of the African Union on CAAC in Africa 18.08.22301293
- Children affected by conflict cannot wait for their education - UN 10.08.22300406
- Children who are victims of violence and armed conflict - OHCHR 15.07.22301049
- Recounting Harrowing Experience with Armed Group, Briefer Urges Security Council to Enforce Resolutions Protecting Children Impacted by Armed Conflict - UN 12.07.22303114
- Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict 07/22302511
- Statistics Should Never Overshadow the Individual Suffering of Children in Armed Conflict, “We Must Redouble Efforts to End Grave Violations” - Relief Web 11.07.22295183
- UN: Thousands of Children Suffer Grave Abuses in War Zones - VOA 11.07.22328036
- ‘No end in sight’ as renewed violence in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado sparks year-high number of children to flee - Relief Web 01.07.22293731
- More than 200 million children in need of help to study - Pressenza 29.06.22293150
- Staggering scale of grave violations against children in conflict revealed in new UNICEF analysis - Relief Web 28.06.22293262
- Children and armed conflict - UN Security Council 23.06.22299051
- Nowhere to go back to: how the war in Ukraine is separating children and families - Euro Child 10.06.22328031
- Video: Children of war: Ukraine’s families torn apart by Russia’s invasion - Channel 4 News 07.06.22328016
- Escaping War: What Ukrainian children carry with them - Al Jazeera 03.06.22328033
- Ukraine: At least two children killed in war every day, says UNICEF - UN News 01.06.22328021
- What Does It Mean to Be a Child Born of War? - Prio 01.06.22328023
- After nearly 100 days of war, two out of three children in Ukraine are displaced - CBS News 01.06.22328050
- Child development and resilience in war, conflict and displacement - Sipri 09.05.22328028
- Video: Ukraine War: The underground children of Kharkiv - Sky News 03.05.22328017
- The Gender Dimensions of Grave Violations Against Children In Armed Conflict - the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflic 05/22302517
- Video: Ukrainian children surviving war with Russia without their parents - YouTube 29.04.22328018
- You Never Stop Being a Child of War - Ukraine - Time 26.04.22328043
- Ukraine war in photos, April 15: Children on the run - Grid 15.04.22328047
- Ukraine: EU must protect all children fleeing the war - European Parliament 07.04.22328026
- ‘An invisible badge’: How war changes children - Al Jazeera 30.03.22280248
- Children: innocent victims of war in Ukraine - The Lancet 30.03.22328034
- More than half of Ukraine’s children displaced after one month of war - UNICEF 24.03.22328038
- What can we do to help children fleeing the war in Ukraine? - Euronews 23.03.22328035
- The impacts of war on children with cancer – ensuring continuation of care for those whose lives depend on it - WHO 17.03.22328039
- How Ukrainian children understand the war - Washington Post 15.03.22328027
- Syria: Children ‘live in fear of violence’, scarred by 11 years of war - UN News 15.03.22278082
- War In Syria: Children Still Suffering Profound Impacts - Forbes 15.03.22328051
- Video: Ukrainian Refugee Children Give Chilling Accounts Of War Carnage - RFERL 14.03.22328052
- Video: How To Talk To Children About War, According To A Psychologist - WEF 03.03.22276032
- Mental health effects of Ukraine war zone on children - abc News 03.03.22328053
- ‘It’s stomach-turning’: the children caught up in Ukraine war - The Guardian 27.02.22328049
- Supporting children to manage anxiety over war, conflict and crises - BPS 25.02.22328045
- War hits children first - ESCAP 23.02.22328032
- Five surprising ways war can harm children - WVI 17.02.22328020
- Russia's war taking a toll on Ukrainian children - Washington Examiner 27.01.22328044
- Video: Inger Ashing: Are we failing to protect vulnerable children? - Al Jazeera 15.01.22269850
- UN Sanitizes Killings of Children in Armed Conflicts - IPS 19.03.21239081
- COVID Fuelling Risk of Recruitment and Use of Children in Conflict, United Nations and European Union Warn on International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers - Human Wron…235638