Child Protection
- Guardian - Child Protection39613
- Common Sense Media ! - reviews & ratings39614
- Child Protection Forum39615
- Child Protection Working Group39616
- Child Protection Index (Child Pact)39617
- Child Protection Month39618
- Kinds in need of defense 199138
- UNICEF - Child Protection39619
- UNICEF - Publications on Child Protection39620
- Global Protection Cluster - Child Protection39621
- Save the Children - Child Protection39622
- Protection Policy Paper: Understanding community-based protection - UNHCR, OHCHR297113
- Plan International - Child Protection39623
- Common Sense - Best Websites: Our Recommendations for Families39624
- MOOC: Caring for children who have experienced violence: Training for health professionals - WHO Academy 454155
- National Association for People Abused in Childhood (UK) - NAPAC39625
- Safe Passage (Campaigning For & Helping Child Refugees To Access Legal Routes To Safety) 284312
- Safe Passage - tw284313
- Video: What's Cyberbullying? - Common Sense 39627
- Video: Child Protection: Ways to Give to Child Protection - World Vision 275187
- Video: Channels of Hope for Child Protection - World Vision 275194
- Video: Our child protection work - Save the Children 275193
- Video: Child Protection: our collective responsibility - World Vision 275189
- Working toward disability inclusion in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Arab Region - UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 29.11.24442977
- Protecting Kids: Mpox Guidelines for Schools - Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 25.11.24441914
- The State of the World’s Children 2024: The Future of Childhood in a Changing World: Challenging future projected for children in 2050 in world transformed by extreme climat…441425
- Humanity’s Future Depends on Ensuring Children’s Rights, Active Participation in Decisions Affecting Them, Secretary-General Observance Message Stresses - UN Secretary-Genera…440936
- On the Road to Bogotá: Africa’s Pivotal Role in Ending Violence against Children - UN SRSG on Violence against Children 05.11.24440347
- Inclusive education in South Sudan: teachers trained in sign language and braille - Light for the World 05.11.24440339
- “Silence is not a solution”: Children demand an end to violence at historic global conference - Save the Children 07.11.24440278
- The Debate: Violence against Children - UNICEF 9/1339626
- Video: Child protection UNICEF Belize works to combat all forms of violence on or against children and adolescents in their homes and communities - UNICEF 275197
- Video: Child protection - UNICEF 275186
- Video: Child protection: Challenges And Resources - UNICEF275195
- Video: The Challenge Every child has the right to protection - UNICEF 275188
- Video: Child protection UNICEF strengthens child protection systems to safeguard children and their families with a focus on access to justice, social services and protection…275198
- Child rights programming handbook. How to Apply Rights-Based Approaches to Programming - Save the Children Sweden297107
- Video: Regional Launch of the Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) in EAP - UNICEF 275191
- PAHO Director calls for urgent action to end violence against children in the Americas - Pan American Health Organization 07.11.24439647
- One in 8 children significantly impacted by the 10 biggest extreme weather events this year - Save the Children 07.11.24440264
- Countries pledge to act on childhood violence affecting some 1 billion children - World Health Organization 07.11.24439856
- Child protection - UNICEF 05/24420081
- Children's Rights Ombudsperson and UNICEF signed an agreement to strengthen child protection in Poland - UNICEF 23.04.24420078
- 1.4 billion children globally missing out on basic social protection, according to latest data - Relief Web 14.02.24399957
- Safeguarding Children: A child rights impact assessment tool - Australian Human Rights Commission 25.10.23420082
- The US Is Not Protecting Its Children - HRW 15.09.23420079
- Video: Big Win for Tribal Sovereignty: Indian Child Welfare Act Upheld by Supreme Court in Surprise Ruling - DN! 16.06.23353755
- Two sides of one coin: UK slammed for child migrant and military child recruitment policies - Canary 09.06.23351788
- Counting Pennies III: An analysis of official development assistance to end violence against children - ChildFund Alliance, Plan International 26.09.22307535
- Tourism rethink needed to protect children vulnerable to exploitation: UN expert 27.09.22307413
- US States Fail to Protect Children’s Rights - HRW 13.09.22305156
- Ending Violence against Children During Covid-19 and Beyond: Second Regional Conference to Strengthen Implementation of the INSPIRE Strategies - WHO, UNICEF 25.08.22302533
- Children suffering dire drought across parts of Africa are ‘one disease away from catastrophe – warns UNICEF 22.08.22301890
- Handbook: Responding to child maltreatment - WHO 04.08.22454150
- SOS MEDITERRANEE, MSF and SEA-WATCH alert on the critical risk of more deaths in the central Mediterranean this summer in the absence of European state-led search and rescue …298357
- The violence prevention dividend: why preventing violence against children makes economic sense - Child Fund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children, UN Children's Fu…297443
- Guidance Note on Abduction - the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflic 22.05.22302516
- I spent three years in a paedophile hunting team – here’s what I learned - Conversation 27.04.22284975
- The child welfare system already hurts trans kids. Texas made it a nightmare. - WaPo 03.03.22275201
- How did Bolton children’s home receive Ofsted licence then close just months later? - Guardian 03.03.22275348
- Child sexual abuse: School's image 'more important than victims' - BBC 01.03.22274871
- Human Rights Council: Violence against Children Has Increased Due to the Pandemic and Multiple Humanitarian Crises, and 2021 Posed Unprecedented Challenges for the Protection…298312
- International Aid Organization warns growing Ukraine crisis humanitarian puts children at heightened risk of trauma and exploitation - Yahoo Finance 28.02.22274890
- Today, 1 billion of the world’s most vulnerable children are at extreme risk. If the world fails to act, tomorrow it will be all children. It is past time to put children at …274872
- What are the rights of children at the parliament protest – and who protects them? - The Conversation 28.02.22274887
- Supreme Court to review Indian Child Welfare Act, which prioritizes adoptions by Native American parents or tribes - WaPo 28.02.22274870
- Child protection and cash-based interventions tip-sheet - ReliefWeb 27.02.22274875
- Nova Scotia government looks to lighten load of overworked child protection staff - CBC 26.02.22274869
- UNHCR Ethiopia Refugee Child Protection Strategy 2021-2025 - ReliefWeb 23.02.22274882
- Texas Governor Pushes to Investigate Medical Treatments for Trans Youth as ‘Child Abuse’ - NYT 23.02.22274886
- Center for Child Protection marks 30 years serving Travis County youth - ABS 22.02.22274873
- Ukraine: Child protection sub-cluster newsletter for December 2021 – January 2022 - ReliefWeb 21.02.22274881
- Child Protection and COVID-19: Venezuela Case Study - ReliefWeb 18.02.22274876
- Child Protection and COVID-19: Iraq Case Study - ReliefWeb 18.02.22274877
- Child protection and the COVID-19 response in Uganda - ReliefWeb 18.02.22274884
- Child Protection and COVID-19: Cambodia Case Study - ReliefWeb 18.02.22274878
- Child Protection and COVID-19: Lebanon Case Study - ReliefWeb 18.02.22274880
- Child Protection and COVID-19: Somalia Case Study - ReliefWeb 18.02.22274883
- Strengthening child protection systems and ending child immigration detention - ReliefWeb 17.02.22274879
- Nigeria’s Kano State Needs Child Protection Law - Human Rights Watch 15.02.22275200
- Red Hand Day – against the use of child soldiers worldwide - ReliefWeb 15.02.22275202
- Victorian coronial inquest examines deaths of children involved with Child Protection Service - ABC 14.02.22274874
- Online youth victimization up 37%, according to Canadian Centre for Child Protection - CBC 08.02.22274888
- Child Protection in Emergencies Regional Working Group Terms of Reference - ReliefWeb 04.02.22274910
- How Hindu nationalist groups hijacked and wrecked India’s child protection body - QZ 03.02.22274889
- I was a child victim of domestic abuse – I know how badly kids like me need support - Guardian 03.02.22276759
- Cameroon: Child Protection Situation Analysis Dashboard, January - December 2021 - ReliefWeb 01.02.22274885
- Evaluation of UNHCR’s Child Protection Programming (2017–2019) - Final evaluation report January 2021 - ReliefWeb 26.01.22274892
- Plan International calls for child protection in schools - ReliefWeb 25.01.22274905
- Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection Field Cooperation Framework - ReliefWeb 11.01.22274891
- U.S. "Failure to Protect" Laws: Her boyfriend killed her son but she went to jail - BBC 10.01.22273371
- UN Demands 'Urgent Protection' of Children in Conflict Zones in 2022 - Common Dreams 31.12.21267624
- star Hobson case raises more questions over burden on children’s services - Guardian 14.12.21274896
- My mother failed to protect me from sexual abuse as a child - Guardian 12.12.21264946
- Why Apps Suddenly Want to Protect Kids - NYT 09.12.21274915
- Central African Republic: Protection of Children Deteriorated in Recent Months, Urgent to Act to Prevent Further Grave Violations - ReliefWeb 15.11.21274916
- New report outlines best practices for a broader, more effective, and strategic approach to protecting children affected by conflict - UNICEF 28.10.21274920
- Ukraine: Child protection sub-cluster newsletter September 2021 - ReliefWeb 26.10.21274895
- Child Protection Sub-Sector, North East Nigeria: Mid-Year Review Report, August 2021 - ReliefWeb 24.10.21274912
- Findings from the Child Protection Assessment in Rohingya Refugee Camps in Cox’s Bazar (October 2021) - ReliefWeb 20.10.21274907