Selected Articles
- ‘Did they learn nothing?’: Auschwitz survivor to return German honour over AfD vote role - Guardian 30.01.25456021
- German guiltwashing in times of genocide - Al Jazeera 27.02.24401260
- Video: Why Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union failed | John Mearsheimer and Lex Fridman - Lex Clips 22.11.23412061
- Did you know that Albania is the only country in Europe that had more Jews after WW2 than before the war - Holocaust in Ukraine 08.10.23376674
- Survey finds 'shocking' lack of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Gen Z - NBC 16.09.20381344
- Where did 20,000 Jews hide from the Holocaust? In Shanghai - NPR 06.08.23364435
- Hitler didn’t build the path to the Holocaust alone – ordinary people were active participants - Guardian 27.01.23327308
- Holocaust survivors mark 80 years since mass Paris roundup - AP News 17.07.22295833
- Stolpersteine: UK joins the world’s largest Holocaust memorial - Conversation 31.05.22289186
- Can Whoopi Goldberg’s public history lesson actually do some good? - VOX 03.02.22272482
- It’s not just Whoopi Goldberg: Americans are deeply misinformed about the Holocaust - Guardian 02.02.22272272
- What Americans Know About the Holocaust - Pew Research Center 22.01.20272481
- In Pictures: Holocaust Remembrance Day 2021 - Guardian 27.01.21233296
- Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: Be the Light in the Darkness - HMD 27.01.21233298
- Holocaust Memorial Day: #everynamecounts - DW 27.01.21233297
- 'Stumbling stones': a different vision of Holocaust remembrance - Guardian 18.02.19289188
- Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 (pdf) - HMD91259
- Norway apologises for deporting Jews during Holocaust - BBC 1/1291262
- Speech on the International Holocaust Rememberance Day - Norwegian Prime Ministers Office 1/1291263
- Israel's online Holocaust archive published - Guardian 1/1191264
- Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says - NY Times 11/1091265
- In Hunt for Nazis, an Incomplete History - NY Times 11/1091266
- SNCF apologises for role in WWII Jewish deportations - BBC 11/1091267
- A third of Nazis' war effort funded with money stolen from Jews, study finds - WJC 11/1091268
- 'Holocaust grave' discovered in Romania - BBC 11/1091269
- Petition to the Pope on Holocaust Denial91270
- Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust - OSI 12/0691272
- A lesson from the Holocaust for us all - Robert Fisk 4/0691273
- Memory of the Holocaust - from Jewish Property into Human Possession - Uri Avnery 3/0591274
- One-Fourth of Holocaust Survivors in U.S. Living Below Poverty Line - Jewish Federations USA 11/0391275