HR Graduate Programs
- Online Executive Diploma on International Law in the 21st Century - UNITAR264835
- Executive Diploma on International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice - UNITAR264836
- M.A / B.A of Arts in Human Rights - Gratz College264854
- Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights - University of Saint Joseph264855
- Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights - University of Applied Arts264856
- Master of Human Rights - University of Minnesota264857
- Certificate in Nonprofit Management - University of Minnesota 264858
- MSc Humanitarian Action (online) - SOAS University of London264859
- MSC IN HUMAN RIGHTS AND DATA SCIENCE - American University of Paris264869
- MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice (Full Time) - University of Oxford264871
- MSt International Human Rights Law - University of Oxford 264872
- MA Social Justice and Human Rights - Arizona State University264887
- Master Social Work as a Human Rights Profession - Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin265094
- Theory and Practice of Human Rights - University of Oslo265095
- MA in Development and Human Rights - Swansea University265096
- European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe - University of Sarajevo265097
- PhD in Gender Studies - University of Sarajevo265098
- Master study Gender studies - University of Sarajevo265099
- Master Management of State and Non Governmental Organizations - University of Sarajevo265100
- Master of Human Rights - Auckland University of Technology265101
- Postgraduate Certificate in Human Rights - AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY265102
- Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights - AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY265103
- Postgraduate Diploma in Criminology and Criminal Justice - AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY265104
- Master of Criminology and Criminal Justice - AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY265105
- Master of Human Rights - University of Minnesota265106
- Master of Human Rights - University of Manitoba265107
- Master’s Program in Human Rights and Democracy - University College Stockholm265108
- Master’s Program in Human Rights and Democracy - University College Stockholm265130
- MA Human Rights Studies - Columbia University265140
- Graduate Certificate in Human Rights - EMORY University 265141
- MSc Human Rights - London School of Economics and Political Science265143
- Master’s Degree in Human Rights, Interculturality and Development - Pablo de Olavide University265145
- PhD Programme in Migration Studies - Pablo de Olavide University265146
- MA in Development and Human Rights - Swansea University265147
- MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice and MSc Psychology Law - University of London265148
- Understanding and Securing Human Rights - University of London265156
- PHD Human Rights - University of London265157
- MSc Human Rights and Diplomacy - University of Stirling265232
- Master of Arts in Governance and Human Rights - Leuphana University Luneburg265233
- MA Human Rights, Globalisation and Justice - Keele University265234
- Master of Arts in Law: International Law and Human Rights - HR Careers 265235
- Master’s Degree Programme in International Law and Human Rights - Åbo Akademi University265277
- International Joint Ph.D Programme "Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance - Università degli Studi di Padova265278
- MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance (HRG) - Università degli Studi di Padova265279
- European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) - Università degli Studi di Padova265280
- MA in Understanding and Securing Human Rights - School of Advanced Study 265281
- Master's Programme in Human Rights Policy and Practice265282
- PhD in Security, Conflict and Human Rights - University of Bristol265283
- Human Rights PhD - University of Sussex265284
- International Human Rights Law LLM - University of Sussex265285
- Human Rights MA - University of Sussex265286
- international Ph.D. in Human Rights and Global Politics - Sant'Anna University School of Advanced Studies265287
- MASTER IN HUMAN RIGHTS AND CONFLICT MANAGEMEN - Sant'Anna University School of Advanced Studies265288
- PhD Human Rights - Centre for Applied Human Rights University of York265289
- MA Applied Human Rights - University of York265290
- LLM International Human Rights Law and Practice - University of York265291
- MA in Human Rights Law - SOAS24670