Big Dam Projects
- Category: Reservoirs and dams in Tibet - Wikipedia226256
- Zangmu Dam - Wikipedia226254
- South-to-North Water Diversion (official)136353
- Free Tibet - Tibet's environment226264
- Facts and Details - Controversial dams in Tibet, Sichuan and Yunnan 226260
- Save Tibet - Damming Tibets rivers - new threats to Tibetan area under UNESCO protection 226258
- A dam ignited rare Tibetan protests. They ended in beatings and arrests, BBC finds - BBC 23.12.24447355
- Watch: China plans to construct 8 more dams in Tibet, may pose threat to India - Business Today 12.08.20226259
- China’s dams in Tibet may pose threat to India’s water supply - Tibet 10.08.20226257
- Tibet’s rivers will determine Asia’s future - The Diplomat 01.11.19226255
- Damming Tibet’s rivers: new threats to Tibetan area under UNESCO protection - Save Tibet 30.05.19226266
- The great walls damming Tibet - Tibet Nature 16.06.18226261
- Damming Tibet: China's destruction of Tibet's rivers, environment and people - The Ecologist 13.04.15226265
- Megadams: Battle on the Brahmaputra - BBC 20.03.14226262
- China’s Great Dam Boom: A Major Assault on Its Rivers - Yale 11/13136355
- Tibet and 21st century water wars - The Globalist 11.07.13226263
- China rushes to build a new generation of mega-dams as thirst for power grows - Telegraph 9/12136356
- More than 40,000 Chinese dams at risk of breach - Telegraph 8/11136357