General Info
- Amnesty USA26845
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)26865
- Freedom House - Country Profile201338
- Human Rights Watch (HRW) - Country Profile26847
- IFEX - Freedom of Expression26864
- International Crisis Group26871
- Reporters Without Borders - RSF26863
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR26852
- UNICEF26853
- UNICEF - Country Statistics201339
- Alkarama Foundation - Egypt26846
- Claiming Human Rights - Egypt26866
- Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR)26854
- Egyptian Centre for Human Rights Education (ECHRE)26858
- Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights26859
- Hisham Mubarak Law Centre - Facebook26860
- New Generation Foundation for Human Rights - Facebook26862
- YouTube - HR + Egypt26873
- Google Search - HR + Egypt26875
- Google Scholar - HR + Egypt26876
- Google Books - HR + Egypt26877
- Amazon Books - HR + Egypt26878
- Human Rights in Egypt - Wikipedia26879
- Wikipedia Category: Human Rights in Egypt26880
- Time & Date - Cairo, Egypt26881
- No climate justice without open civic space - The Egyptian Human Rights Coalition on COP27312067