The Kurds
- The Kurdish Project224215
- Joint Help for Kurdistan224216
- Kurds in Syria - Wikipedia70158
- Syrian Kurdistan - Wikipedia224196
- People's Protection Units - Wikipedia224217
- Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria - Wikipedia224221
- Rojava conflict - Wikipedia224222
- Al Jazeera - Kurds224202
- UNHCR: Assessment for Kurds in Syria70159
- Western Kurdistan70160
- Kurdish Human Rights Project 70161
- Justice For Kurds267228
- Minority Rights - Minorities and indigenous peoples in Syria224200
- Why Kurds face an uncertain future in Ahmed Al-Shara’s rebel-led Syria - Conversation 20.01.25455076
- Yazidi woman held by IS for 10 years freed by Kurdish fighters in Syria - Guardian 05.02.24398218
- Kurds Will Pay the Price for Sweden’s NATO Deal - Jacobin 20.07.23360791
- The Kurds Aren’t a “Security Threat” — They’re the Ones Being Attacked - Jacobin 13.07.22295325
- How Syria’s Afrin became hell for Kurds - Open Democracy 11.11.20223400
- Who are the Kurds? - BBC 15.10.20224198
- What U.S. Diplomacy for the Kurds in Syria? - Washington 25.09.20224197
- The Kurds have paid dearly for Trump’s recklessness - Bloomberg 17.09.20224203
- Can US help achieve unity for Syrian Kurds? - VOA News 24.06.20224201
- Under the cover of Covid-19, Turkey is hammering the Kurds. Again - New Int 22.06.20224204
- In Tal Tamr, Syrian Kurds seek safety and shelter from Turkish attacks - NPR 15.04.20224205
- What life looks like for the Kurds of Syria, now that the U.S. has pulled back - Time 14.11.19224199
- 9 questions about Turkey, Syria, and the Kurds you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox 16.10.19224206
- Syrian Kurds ‘determined’ to resist Turkish operation - Al Jazeera 11.10.19224220
- Watch: Why is Turkey bombing the Kurds in Syria? - BBC 10.10.19224208
- For Kurds in Syria, a conflict renewed - WSJ 07.10.19224212
- The Syrian Kurds: oppression, isolation, exodus - Kurdistan24 17.04.18224207
- Watch: How the Kurds became a key player in Syria's war - Vox 12.03.18224214
- An American in Syria: the anti-fascist struggle for communal society in the ruins - Shadowproof 06.12.1670162
- Stateless Kurds in Syria - Refugees International 01/06224210
- As war looms, the voice of Kurds is heard in Syria - csmonitor 11/0270163
- HRW pushes Damsaskus for Nizar Nayouf's immediate release 9/9870164
- Syria: The Ssilenced Kurds - hrw 10/9670165
- Syria: States supporting SDF share responsibility for horrific human rights violations - Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor 03.08.22299078
- One in twelve Syrian Kurds in KRI’s Dohuk are stateless - NRC 28.08.22302539