General Info
- Amnesty International (ai) - Country Profile193312
- Amnesty USA193314
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)193337
- Freedom House - Countries and Territories193319
- Human Rights Watch (HRW) - Country Profile193315
- IFEX - Freedom of Expression193336
- International Crisis Group193338
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)193330
- Reporters Without Borders - RSF193335
- Palestine Bara'em Ghirass - Musicians Without Borders 454493
- Palestinian political violence - Wikipedia245810
- Tantura Massacre - Wikipedia350200
- UNICEF193333
- UNICEF - Country Statistics193334
- Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ)26211
- Association Najdeh (Lebanon)26214
- Human Rights in the Palestinian National Authority - Wikipedia26210
- INCORE Conflict Guide on Israel/Palestine (Archive 2000)26218
- Google Search - HR + Palestine26221
- Google Scholar - HR + Palestine26222
- Google Books - HR + Palestine26223
- Amazon Books - HR + Palestine26224
- YouTube - HR + Palestine26220
- Wikipedia - Leah Tsemel : Human Rights Lawyer187725
- Time & Date - Ramallah, West Bank26225
- Video: Beyond Survival: Eating & Living in Gaza - Just World Education 14.12.20228794
- The Writing is on the Wall: Annexation Past and Present​ - United Nations264524