- Amnesty USA - Africa177893
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)177894
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR177895
- UNICEF - Middle East & North Africa177896
- INSAN - democracy, human rights, development177897
- Gulf Center for Human Rights - arab, eng177892
- Arab Commission for Human Rights177898
- Arabic Portal for Human Rights - HRRIA (Arabic)177899
- Euro-Mediteranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN)177900
- The Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD).436840
- Arab Women's Solidarity Association (AWSA)177901
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)177902
- Reporters Without Borders - RSF177903
- Committee to Protect Journalists - Middle East & North Africa177904
- Claiming Human Rights - in Africa177905
- International Crisis Group177906
- MENA Rights Group 272247
- @MENA_Rights - Tw profile MENA Rights Group. 272248
- The Freedom Initiative259384
- @thefreedomi259385