Transfers / Deportation / Land Expropriation
- Barkat proposes changing Jerusalem's borders - Jerusalem Post 12/1185800
- IDF Civil Administration pushing for land takeover in West Bank - Haaretz 7/1185805
- Amira Hass: The truth behind another Israeli expulsion trick - Haaretz 6/1185806
- Israeli zoning stifles Area C village - Ma'an 4/1185807
- Settlers' sewage plant puts Palestinians in lose-lose situation - Haarezt 3/1185808
- Ali Abunimah: A dangerous shift on 1967 lines - Al Jazeera 1/1185813
- Displacement risk for Palestinians in East Jerusalem - IRIN 1/1185815
- Israel disgraces itself with forced relocation plan - National 10/1085821
- Israeli security forces practice dealing with "riots following population exchange", mass detentions of Israeli-Palestinians - Promised Land 10/1085822
- U.S. Jews outraged by Lieberman's UN speech on population exchange - Haaretz 9/1085823
- Lieberman presents plans for population exchange at UN - Haaretz 9/1085829
- Activity Report 2008-2010 (pdf) - Hamoked85830
- Don't deport them - talk to them! - Gush Shalom 9/1085831
- High Court reprimands Interior Minister Ishai - Adam Keller 9/1085832
- State eyes 'legal' takeover of abandoned East Jerusalem properties - Haaretz 7/1085837
- OA exiles Jerusalem child for throwing stones - PIC 7/1085838
- "They want us to be loyal to the occupation": Muhammad Totah interviewed - Electronic Intifada 7/1085840
- Two Sit-Ins - Gush Shalom 7/1085849
- Israel steps up forced evictions of West Bank Palestinians - ai 7/1085850
- “Today they expel you, tomorrow they’ll expel us!” - Gush Shalom 7/1085851
- FM's Jpost op-ed draws fire - Jerusalem Post 6/1085852
- Lieberman: My blueprint for a resolution - Jerusalem Post 6/1085857
- FM to Kadima: Accept 'transfer' - Jerusalem Post 6/1085858
- Israel Land Administration - Wikipedia85859
- A Cloud over Jerusalem - Uri Avnery 5/1085864
- Reflections on real estate - Adam Keller 4/1085865
- Born Without Civil Rights - HRW 17.12.1985866
- New Military Order “Infiltrates” Palestinian Rights: A Statement - Kairos Palestine - 4/10 *.doc85867
- Najuan Daadleh: Israel’s Deportation Order: Why Isn’t This World News? Peace X Peace 4/1085872
- IDF order will enable mass deportation from West Bank - Amira Hass 4/1085873
- Order No. 1650 Order regarding Prevention of Infiltration (Amendment No. 2) - IDF 10/09 *pdf85880
- Order regarding Security Provisions (Amendment No. 112) - IDF 10/09 *pdf85881
- Order regarding Prevention of Infiltration - 6/60 *pdf85882