National Groups
- Norwegian Centre for Human Rights - Oslo132378
- Norwegian Helsinki Committee - Den Norske Helsingforskomite - Norway132379
- Association of Human Rights Institutes - AHRI Oslo132380
- The Rafto Foundation132381
- Norwegian Refugee Council - NRC132382
- amnesty international - ai Norway132383
- NGO Partnership Portal - Norway132384
- Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD)456860
- Human Rights House Foundation456861
- Human Rights Research League456862
- Inter African Committee In Norway - IAC NORWAY456863
- The Norwegian Children and Youth Council456864
- MiRA Resource Center for Black Immigrant and Refugee Women456865
- Norwegian Refugee Council456866
- Panafrican Women Association (PAWA)456867
- Partnership for Change456868
- Arab-European Center of Human Rights and International Law (AECHRIL)456869
- Norwegian Addiction Federation456870
- The Association for Humane Drug Policies456871
- Campaign for Development and Solidarity - FORUT 456872
- The World Forum on Music and Censorship - Freemuse 456873
- Saami Council456874
- Terram Pacis456875
- Norwegian Policy Network on Alcohol and Drugs - Actis 456876
- World Woman's Christian Temperance Union456877
- World Federation of the Deafblind - WFDB456878
- Spire - Development Fund's youth organization456879
- Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO456880
- United Nations Association Norway456881
- Association for Safer Drug Policies456882
- Norwegian Trade Union Confederation, LO Norway (LO)459243