Big Brother
- Big Brother Watch UK72683
- Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Cheltenham72684
- Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) - Wikipedia72685
- Intercept Modernisation - Wiki72686
- Interception Modernisation - ComputerWeekly72687
- U.K. Interception Modernisation Programme 11/0872688
- Open Rights Group (UK)72689
- Open Rights Group - Wikipedia72690
- Intercept Modernisation Programme - WhatDoTheyKnow ?72691
- UK Encryption Order Threatens Global Privacy Rights - HRW 14.02.25457319
- The Guardian view on surveillance: Big Brother is not the only watcher now - Guardian 13.08.19198317
- How ID card database will be destroyed - BBC 11/1072692
- Home Office fails to axe ID cards in 100 days - BBC 8/1072693
- Innocent suspects' profiles still reaching DNA database - Guardian 10/0972694
- Fibre optics to detect sound of terror - Independent 8/0972695
- Home Office extend deadline for ORG FOI request on Intercept Modernisation 9/0872696
- UK digital rights group sets up - BBC 9/0572698
- The right to digital freedom - Guardian 7/0572699
- Surveillance Cinema: 14 Movies Featuring Big Brother - Hollywood Reporter 6/1372700