Selected Articles
- Search: Belarus. Human Rights Watch112979
- Violations remain ‘widespread and systematic’, says independent expert group - UN News 14.02.25457316
- Dozens of relatives of people imprisoned for political reasons detained in alarming new crackdown - Amnesty 25.01.24396947
- Blogger convicted for reacting to Lukashenko caricature with smiley face dies in Belarusian prison - Ukrainska Pravda 07.05.23345033
- Newly announced prison terms in Belarus signal ‘ongoing repression’ - The European Times 06.05.23345034
- Human Rights Situation in Belarus: April 2023 - Viasna 05.05.23345035
- Belarus opposition calls for human rights probe - DW 04.05.23345022
- Belarusian conscientious objectors and deserters: under pressure but not giving up - Our House 03.05.23345040
- Ways of punishing dissent in Lukashenka’s Belarus - Global Voices 02.05.23345024
- How Alexander Lukashenko Targets the Women of Belarus - HRF 28.04.23345030
- Number of political prisoners in Belarus reaches 1,500, likely much higher - The Kyiv Independent 28.04.23345026
- History of Illegal Arms Trade by Alexander Lukashenko’s Regime - Our House 26.04.23345037
- 10-Year Sentence Asked for Journalist Forced Down in Belarus - VOA 21.04.23345025
- Examining Women's Rights in Belarus - The Borgen Project 20.04.23345021
- Belarus sentences former presidential candidate to 18 months in prison - Al Arabiya 06.04.23345019
- Belarus jails Lukashenko's opposition for taking part in protests - JPOST 06.04.23345023
- Tweet: #Belarus Maksim Lapatsin is one of those accused of helping in the sabotage of a Russian spy plane in Machulishchy. He can barely speak because he was most probably be…345041
- Small Victims of Great War and Belarus as Accomplice to Crime - Our House 04.04.23345036
- Human rights organisations call for immediate release of Belarus activist - Jurist 03.04.23345031
- Belarus: End persecution and ill-treatment of woman human rights defender Nasta Loika - FIDH 03.04.23345027
- Aliaksandr Ivulin: ‘It’s not very safe to be a footballer in Belarus now’ - The Guardian 25.03.23345032
- Belarus: Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell on the Day of Solidarity with Belarus - European Commission 25.03.23 345029
- OSCE To Examine Human Rights Situation In Belarus - RFERL 24.03.23345028
- European Parliament resolution urges more sanctions against Belarus - The Kyiv Independent 24.03.23337102
- Human Rights Council Hears that Some of the Human Rights Violations Documented in Belarus - OHCHR 22.03.23 337092
- UN Human Rights Council should launch independent international investigation to address impunity for rights abuses in Belarus - HRW 22.03.23 337096
- Belarus report finds systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations - OHCHR 22.03.23337091
- Belarus jails senior staff at independent news site in crackdown on Lukashenko critics - The Guardian 18.03.23337100
- Belarus must end systematic repression, release detainees, UN Human Rights Chief says - OHCHR 17.03.23337090
- UN rights chief urges Belarus to promptly release political detainees - UN News 17.03.23337098
- Belarus rights abuses may amount to 'crime against humanity' - UN report - Reuters 17.03.23337095
- Belarus And China's Deepening Ties Are Dangerous For Human Rights - Fair Planet 16.03.23337097
- «Runaway slave-women» of Belarusian dictator Lukashenko under attack in Lithuania - Our House 15.03.23345038
- Belarus Equates Rights Protection to Extremism - HRW 10.03.23 337094
- Belarus passes law to execute officials convicted of treason - AP News 09.03.23334622
- These Belarusian women are marking International Women’s Day in prison - Open Democracy 07.03.23337103
- EU cries 'sham' as Belarus jails Nobel winner until 2033 - Euobserver 03.03.23337101
- Belarus: today’s conviction of Nobel Laureate Bialiatski and other human rights defenders is a blatant attack against justice - Council of Europe 03.03.23334623
- Belarus: Sentencing of human rights defenders a ‘blatant retaliation’ for their work - Amnesty International 03.03.23334624
- Belarus: Sentencing of Viasna members - FIDH 03.03.23337099
- Latest conviction of human rights defenders in Belarus criminalizes their work and is contrary to international standards: OSCE human rights office - OSCE 03.03.23334625
- Video: Top Belarus human rights advocate sentenced to 10 years in prison - NBC News 03.03.23337093
- Belarusian Lawmakers Approve Bill On Death Penalty For High Treason - RFERL 21.02.23334621
- Nobel laureate calls for national reconciliation at trial in Belarus - Reuters 13.02.23334626
- Brutal Crackdown on Dissent and Anti-War Movement; Death Penalty Expansion - HRW 12.01.23324819
- Nobel Prize-winning rights defender goes on trial in Belarus - Reuters 05.01.23327447
- “Being a human rights defender in Belarus is a criminal offence” - OMCT 15.12.22327436
- Ales Bialiatski, Belarusian human rights warrior - DW 09.12.22327425
- Belarus blacklists 625 opposition figures as ‘extremists’ - Al Jazeera 28.10.22312791
- Belarus: Crackdown on rights forcing citizens to flee says UN expert - OHCHR 26.10.22327434
- Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski, an imprisoned Belarusian human rights activist - Le Monde 09.10.22327449
- Nobel peace prize given to human rights activists in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - The Guardian 07.10.22327445
- Belarus: New charges against the leadership of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" - FIDH 07.10.22327438
- Ales Bialiatski: Who is the Nobel Peace Prize winner? - BBC 07.10.22327446
- To Support Ukraine, We Should Help Rights Activists from Russia and Belarus - Freedom House 29.09.22327443
- Belarus: Human rights defender arbitrarily detained: Nasta Loika - Amnesty International 26.09.22327433
- Interim oral update of OHCHR on the situation of human rights in Belarus - OHCHR 23.09.22307644
- Belarus: Release Viasna members and other activists - Article19 05.09.22327437
- Support Russian and Belarusian civil societies and human rights defenders - Council of Europe 31.08.22327435
- Rights experts denounce withdrawal from key environmental agreement - Global Issues 10.08.22300132
- Why We Must Remember Belarus in 2022 - Human Rights Foundation 09.08.22327439
- Media development support is needed to close the “black hole” for media freedom in Belarus - IMS 09.08.22327448
- Belarus sentences journalist to eight years for ‘state treason’ - Al Jazeera 13.07.22295169
- Belarus platform’s mandate extended as human rights situation in Belarus remains critical - Dignity 08.07.22327441
- Belarus: Free student jailed for 6.5 years for reposting criticism of Ukraine war and Lukashenka - Amnesty International 06.07.22327432
- Summer As In The War: Belarusian Children Are Offered To Shoot From Guns And Listen To Veterans’ Stories - Our House 23.06.22345039
- Belarus: New death penalty law is the ultimate attack on human rights - Amnesty International 19.05.22327431
- Belarus: Immediately release human rights defenders Marfa Rabkova and Andrei Chapyuk - Amnesty International 25.04.22327430
- Belarus: Disclose whereabouts of detained trade union leaders - Amnesty International 21.04.22327429
- Belarus: Further information: Marfa Rabkova must be immediately released - Amnesty International 19.04.22327428
- Poland/Belarus: New evidence of abuses highlights ‘hypocrisy’ of unequal treatment of asylum-seekers - Amnesty International 11.04.22327427
- UN Rights Council Slams Belarus For Abuses, Aiding Russia's Ukraine Invasion - RFERL 17.03.22327440
- Belarus: UN report reveals extent of violations in human rights crackdown - UN News 09.03.22278497
- Belarus crushing dissent with ‘complete impunity’: UN - Al Jazeera 09.03.22327442
- Joint NGO letter on Belarus to the Human Rights Council (HRC 49) - Amnesty International 22.02.22327426
- Is Europe turning its back on Belarusians fleeing Lukashenko's regime? - Euronews 04.01.22327450
- Trapped at Europe’s door: inside Belarus’s makeshift asylum dormitory - Guardian 30.12.21269014
- ‘We are in limbo’: banned Belarus theatre troupe forced into exile - Guardian 06.12.21263858
- EU condemns Belarus’s ‘gangster-style’ tactics in Polish border crisis - Guardian 09.11.21260796
- Belarus crackdown leaves human rights, minorities exposed - Global Issues 06.09.21254658
- Belarus Olympic defector Tsimanouskaya auctions medal on eBay - Al Jazeera 12.08.21252404
- Belarus sprinter who fled to Poland tells compatriots ‘not to be afraid’ - Guardian 05.08.21254946
- Missing Belarus activist Vitaly Shishov found hanged in Kyiv park - Al Jazeera 03.08.21251666
- Video: Is political repression worsening in Belarus? - Al Jazeera 03.08.21251662
- Unprecedented raids on human rights defenders - HRW 15.07.21250153
- Rights experts decry ‘black hole’ for media freedoms in Belarus - UN News 07.06.21247150
- Roman Protasevich: Belarus journalist's confession was forced - family says - BBC 04.06.21247018
- UK companies face pressure over links to Belarus regime - Guardian 30.05.21246204
- Explained: How Belarus ‘hijacked’ a plane to arrest journalist Roman Protasevich - Indian Express 27.05.21247744
- Belarus plane: What we know and what we don't - BBC 27.05.21247742
- US-funded Belarusian regime-change activist arrested on plane joined neo-Nazis in Ukraine - The Grayzone 26.05.21249819
- The west is failing Belarus - Atlantic 26.05.21247743
- The Pratasevich Case Is an Urgent Reminder That Europe Fails to Protect Exiles - CD 25.05.21246626
- Roman Protasevich: Who is the journalist arrested by Belarus? - Al Jazeera 24.05.21245194
- Why Belarus risked the wrath of the world to arrest an activist - Al Jazeera 24.05.21245191
- Germany admits training Belarus security forces - BBC 8/12112980
- Belarusians are tried for silence and clapping - Human Rights House 09.07.11112985
- Belarus dissident Vasily Parfenkov jailed for protest - BBC 2/11112986
- Don't let up - Economist 2/11112987
- Belarus presidential candidate (Vladimir Neklyayev) denied visit by lawyers in jail - Guardian 23.12.10112991