Selected Articles
- Why is Ireland’s hate crime bill attracting so much hate of its own? - Al Jazeera 17.06.24418916
- Podcast: The legacy of Sinéad O’Connor - The Guardian 08.08.23365077
- Sinead O’Connor’s Life and Legacy of Protest - CD 28.07.23364833
- 'Ireland For All': Tens of Thousands March in Dublin to Support Refugees - CD 18.02.23331559
- Irish mother and baby homes: Timeline of controversy - BBC 13.01.21239523
- Ireland publishes report on 'appalling' abuse at mother and baby homes - Guardian 12.01.21239520
- Irish government to apologise over mother-and-baby homes - BBC 12.01.21239522
- Ireland lays bare the scandal of baby deaths at church-run homes - Aljazeera 12.01.21239521
- Ireland must step up fight against human trafficking, experts say, Council of Europe report criticises lack of convictions over trafficking for labour exploitation - Guardian…308021