National Groups
- Aktionsbündnis Menschenrechte Philppinen - eng, ger128734
- Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte - ILMR - Berlin128735
- Internationale Juristen Kommission - IJC German section - Karlsruhe128736
- Fundamental Rights Committee - Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie - Germany128737
- Youth for Human Rights 128739
- Human Rights Watch - Berlin, Germany128740
- Institute für civilians rights and security128742
- IFIAS - Initiative für Frieden128743
- Hamburger Stiftung für politisch Verfolgte128744
- i Decembrists - for Liberty, Human Rights and Culture - Berlin128745
- Nuremberg Human Rights Center - ger, eng, esp128746
- Gewaltsames Verschwindenlassen - München128747
- amnesty international - Germany128748
- Deutsche Menschenrechtskoordination Mexico - Stuttgart/Germany128749
- Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival128750
- MenschenRechtsZentrum - Human Rights Center - University Potsdam128752
- Target - Rüdiger Nehberg. Direct action for human rights - 128753
- International Peace Observers Network - IPON - Hamburg / Germany128754
- Medico International - ger, eng, fr, esp128755
- Human Dignity Forum - Munich128756
- Aktion Christen für die Abschaffung der Folter - ACAT germany128757
- German Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy - Berlin128758
- @ECCHRBerlin378672
- Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations457063
- Federal Union of European Nationalities457064
- Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe457065
- Farmers Association of Schwäbisch Hall 457066
- Bureau for the Implementation of Equal Treatment457067
- Christian Blind Mission457068
- German National Association of Senior Citizens Organisations (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen)457069
- European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of domestic violence 457070
- United Nations Association of Germany457083
- German Model United Nations457084
- UN Women National Committee Germany457085
- International Civil Society Centre457122
- ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch457123
- International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability (FIMITIC)457124
- National Council of German Women's Organizations457125
- International Supporting Association for War Victims457126
- IMPACT - Civil Society Research and Development457127
- Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany457128
- God Bless the Child457129
- Health and Environment Justice Support457130
- International Society for Human Rights457131
- RET Germany 457132
- Lebendige Kommunikation mit Frauen in ihren Kulturen (LebKom)457133
- Hugo Grotius 457134
- Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform 459902
- Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS)459903
- Society for Threatened Peoples International (STPI) 460021
- Stiftung Mercator Foundation 460022