National Groups
- Amnesty International - section USA27149
- Human Rights Campaign - Local Issues 208555
- HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH - United States27150
- Human Rights Watch - San Francisco27151
- Human Rights Watch - Los Angeles27152
- Human Rights First - Washington/New York - USA27153
- PHR - Physicians for Human Rights- Using science and medicine to stop human rights violations27154
- SPLC - Southern Poverty Law Center27155
- Southern Poverty Law Center - spartacus27156
- Enough! A project to end genocide and crimes against humanity (USA)27157
- Civil Liberties Defense Center27158
- IITC - International Indian Treaty Council - Consejo Internacional de Tratados Indios - San Francisco, USA27159
- InterAction - American Council for Voluntary International Action - Washington27160
- US Human Rights Network - Building a people-centered movement (USA)27161
- RFKennedy - Center for Human Rights - USA27162
- Physicians for Human Rights (USA)27163
- Leadership Conference on Civil Rights - the nation's premier civil rights coalition (USA)27164
- School of the Americas Watch - Close the School of the Americas27165
- Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC)27166
- Human Rights Resource Center USA (HRUSA)27167
- Rutherford Institute27168
- IFEX Alerts - USA27169
- AAAS Science and Human Rights Program - USA27170
- Human Rights Resource Center - USA 27171
- Judicial Watch - Because no one is above the law!27172
- Impunity Watch - Syracruse University of Law - USA27173
- Rabbies for Human Rights (T'ruah) - North America27174
- Ella Baker Center for Human Right27175
- Institute for Southern Studies27176
- Judicial Watch - Because no one is above the law!27177
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)27178
- Canada-US Human Rights Information and Documentation Network (CUSHRID)27179
- National Security Archive at George Washington University27180
- Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)27181
- Military Religious Freedom Foundation27182
- Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Alabama USA27183
- Police State - Centre for Research on Globalisation27184
- ADL - Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism27185
- - fight hate & promote tolerance27186
- National Lawyers Guild 212717
- Civil Rights Museum27187
- Genocide Watch - USA27188
- Humanrights.gov27190
- Human Rights and Peace Store27191
- Human and Civil Rights - Dallas High School Library27192
- Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)27193
- Speak Truth to Power - RFK Center27194
- Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA - Washington27196
- Columbia Support Network Paz y justicia - Madison/USA27197
- No Peace without Justice - International - Brussels/NCY/Rome27198
- Center for Constitutional Rights27199
- Put People First! PA206801
- Third Act - People over the age of 60 determined to change the world for the better.264120
- Artistic Freedom Initiative453029
- American Friends Service Committee453056
- American Bar Association453057
- American Jewish World Service453058
- Build Change453099
- Asylum Access453103
- Center for Reproductive Rights453369
- Center for Economic and Social Rights453370
- CFK Africa453392
- Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises455177