Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
- Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia27337
- Ku Klux Klan - ADL27338
- Ku KLux Klan - Jewish Virtual Library27339
- Ku Klux Klan and Sexualized Racism/Gendered Violence27340
- Hate Crimes and Human Rights Violation - JSTOR 01/1527342
- UN to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination27343
- The Rise of the United Klans of America - ADL27344
- Infamous Lynchings27345
- Lynching in America: A History in Documents - Christopher Waldrep (Editor)27347
- Southern Poverty Law Center - SPLC27348
- Anti Defamation League - ADL27350
- Crosspoint Anti Racism27352
- Combating Hate - ADL27353
- “Children of the KKK”: White Supremacist Patriot Front Marches Through Boston, Attacks Black Artist - DN! 06.07.22296244
- 55 Years After KKK Murder of Mississippi NAACP Leader, Case Remains Unsolved - Democracy Now! 11.02.22273450
- White Nationalists on Trial in Charlottesville over Deadly Rally After Victims Sued Under KKK Act - Democracy Now! 27.10.21262462
- Trump, Mt. Rushmore, COVID and the KKK - Democracy Now 02.07.20213194
- The Untold History of Mount Rushmore: A KKK Sympathizer Built Monument on Sacred Lakota Land - Democracy Now 02.07.20213096
- Cheyenne River Sioux Chair Offers to Rip Down Mount Rushmore - CD 01.07.20213110
- Daryl Davis: the black musician who converts Ku Klux Klan members - Guardian 18.03.20202091
- Video : Billie Holiday-Strange fruit- HD - prokoman1 on YouTube 12/11228030