Citizen SURVEILLANCE (complete)
- Surveillance - Wikipedia60696
- UPSTREAM Collection - Wikipedia60697
- Global Surveillance by Category - Wikipedia60698
- SURVEILLANCE STATE - Wikipedia60699
- Mass Surveillance in the United States - Wikipedia60700
- NSA Spying on Americans - EFF60701
- Surveillance SELF-DEFENSE / SSD Project - EFF60702
- DemocracyNow! - Domestic Surveillance60703
- DemocracyNow! - Verizon60704
- Acxiom - Wikipedia60705
- DemocracyNow! - Wiretapping60706
- DemocracyNow! - Domestic Spying60707
- Top Senator warns sweeping new surveillance powers will 'inevitably be misused' by Trump - Intercept 18.12.24447099
- 'Shame': Bill Including Warrantless Spying Expansion Passes Senate, Becomes Law - CD 20.04.24411005
- 'Call Your Senator Now': Privacy Advocates Ramp Up Effort to Stop Spying Expansion - CD 16.04.24408495
- The US isn’t just reauthorizing its surveillance laws – it’s vastly expanding them - Guardian 16.04.24407873
- 'Utterly Ridiculous': Biden DOJ Aims to Bypass Congress to Renew Spying Power - CD 01.03.24401784
- NSA orders employees to spy on the world "with dignity and respect" - Intercept 25.08.23370089
- 'Critical' Online Privacy Protections for Children Advance to Senate Floor Vote - CD 27.07.22297858
- Online Privacy Protection Bill Gets Bipartisan Push - Wall Street Journal 03.06.22291201
- FBI spy planes monitored a single suspect for nearly 429 hours - Intercept 01.09.21254322
- Digital volunteers to expose scale of facial recognition technology in New York City - Amnesty 04.05.21243656
- 40+ Rights Groups Urge Biden to Halt Federal Use of 'Dangerous' Facial Recognition Technology - CD 17.02.21235503
- 'Our Right to Privacy Is at Stake': Jayapal Leads Demand for White House Answers on Possible Illegal Mass Surveillance - CD 25.09.20218183
- Privacy Advocates Herald Bill to Curb Corporate Use of 'Enormously Invasive' Facial Recognition Technology - CD 04.08.20213781
- How facial recognition led to false arrest of black man in Detroit - NPR 24.06.20210831
- Amazon halts police use of its facial recognition technology - NPR 10.06.20209469
- Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy - NYT 19.12.19194321
- This Story on Cellphone Tracking 'Is the Most Important Article You Should Read Today. Period.' - Common Dreams 19.12.19194320
- Handing Trump 'Terrifying Authoritarian Surveillance Powers,' House Democrats Include Patriot Act Reauthorization in Funding Bill - CD 19.11.19202110
- Democrats' New Online Privacy Bill Heralded as Chance to Build 'Alternative Road to a Digital Future' - CD 05.11.19199272
- 30+ Rights Groups Launch Campaign Demanding Law Enforcement Ban on 'Authoritarian and Invasive' Facial Recognition Technology - Common Dreams 05.09.19188860
- Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters - TED 10/1460708
- Glenn Greenwald on Security & Liberty - Guardian60709
- President's Surveillance Program - Wikipedia60710
- ENEMY of the STATE (Film 1998) - Wikipedia60711
- NSA Electronic Surveillance Program - Wikipedia60712
- NSA Warrantless Surveillance Controversy - Wikipedia60713
- iPhone, Blackberry and Gmail users are all screwed - a must watch video 60714
- AP’s Probe Into NYPD Intelligence Operations60715
- Geotagging: Privacy Factsheet - Big Brother Watch60716
- Obama Expands Spy Agencies' Access to Private Data—Just in Time for Trump – Common Dreams 13.01.1760717
- Glenn Greenwald: Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them – Washington Post 11.11.1660718
- Leaked Catalogue Reveals a Vast Array of Military Spy Gear Offered to U.S. Police – The Intercept 01.09.1660719
- Glenn Greenwald VS Alan Dershowitz (2014) "State Surveillance" 7/1460720
- Panopticon - C18th design may shed light on C21st self-surveillance (Wikipedia)60721
- Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown - Guardian 12.06.14238884
- UN Report Calls Mass Surveillance a Violation of Human Right to Privacy - Digital Rights, 18.07.1460722
- UN human rights report blows apart governments’ pro-surveillance arguments - GIGAOM 16.07.1560723
- Meet the Private Companies Helping Cops Spy on Protesters - Rolling Stone 10/1360724
- Latest NSA Revelations Debunk Obama's "No Spying on Americans" Claim - Common Dreams 8/1360725
- What It Means to Be An NSA "Target": New Information Shows Why We Need Immediate FISA Amendments Act Reform - EFF 8/1360726
- Govt Training Game Marks 'Unhappiness with US Foreign Policy' as 'High Threat' - Common Dreams 8/1360727
- No warrant, no problem: How the government can still get your digital data - ARS Technica 05.12.1260728
- Defense Companies Cash in on Gov't Hyped 'Cyber-Security' Threat - CD 13.03.1360729
- In 'Disturbing Decision' Supreme Court Rejects Challenge of Dragnet Surveillance of Americans - Common Dreams 2/1360730
- Supreme Court shields warrantless eavesdropping law from constitutional challenge - Guardian 2/1360731
- Covert National Mass Surveillance Grid Exposed - PCFJ 12/1260732
- Appeals Court OKs Warrantless Wiretapping - Wired 8/1260733
- The Biggest New Spying Program You’ve Probably Never Heard Of - ACLU 7/1260734
- Hearing: State of Federal Privacy and Data Security Law: Lagging Behind the Times? 7/1260735
- You for Sale: Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome - NY Times 6/1260736
- Prying eyes in US skies raise privacy fears - Aljazeera 6/1260737
- Whistleblower: The NSA is Lying–U.S. Government Has Copies of Most of Your Emails - Democracy Now! 4/1260738
- "We Don’t Live in a Free Country": Jacob Appelbaum on Being Target of Widespread Gov’t Surveillance - Democracy Now! 4/1260739
- Exposed: Inside the NSA’s Largest and Most Expansive Secret Domestic Spy Center in Bluffdale, Utah 3/1260740
- Big Brother in the Home Office - New York Times 05.12.1160741
- Governments Turn to Hacking Techniques for Surveillance of Citizens - Guardian 11/1160742
- What Happened When I Tried to Get Some Answers About the Creepy NYPD Watchtower Monitoring OWS - Alternet 11/1160743
- Monitoring America - Washington Post 12/1060744
- Monitoring America: Your Local Neighborhood's 'Global War on Terror' - WP 12/1060745
- The Ever-Expanding Surveillance State That Has Grown Under Obama - Dissenter 4/1260746
- Interview: Christopher Pyle, Whistleblower Who Sparked Church Hearings of 1970s, on Military Spying of Olympia Peace Activists - DN 7/0960747
- The Fed Who Blew the Whistle - NewsWeek 12/0860748
- Cheney's Shocking Admissions on How Close He Came to Nearly Destroying the Country 12/0860749
- Bush Spy Revelations Anticipated When Obama Is Sworn In 11/0860751
- Surveillance Bill: The Worst of All Worlds 6/0860752
- House Passes Bill on Federal Wiretapping Powers 6/0860754
- House Lets Telecoms Off the Hook 6/08 - a shame60755
- Lawmakers Near Deal On Surveillance Bill 6/0860756
- Washington, DC, Puts Itself Under Surveillance 6/0860757
- Canadian Immigration Blinks on Use of FBI Database for US Peace Activists 6/0860758
- How Telecoms Are Attempting to Buy Amnesty From Congress 5/0860759
- China’s All-Seeing Eye - Naomi Klein 5/0860760
- Administration Set to Use New Spy Program in US 4/0860762
- Cops and Former Secret Service Agents Ran Black Ops on Green Groups 4/0860763
- Whistle-Blower: Feds Have a Backdoor Into Wireless Carrier - Congress Reacts (?) 3/0860764
- The Quantico Ciurcuit Caper - Slate 3/0860765
- Quantico (Circuit) - Wikipedia60766
- Every Year Brings Us Closer to 1984 - 2/0860767
- The End of Privacy 1/0860769
- Senate Showdown over Telecom Surveillance - EFF 12/0760770
- National Applications Office (NAO) - Wikipedia60771
- Inside the Data Mine 12/0760773
- Dodd to the Rescue 12/0760774
- Big Brother Spying on Americans' Internet Data? 11/0760776
- Domestic Spying, Inc. - Corp Watch 27.11.0760777
- The American Police State 10/0760778
- The Fascist Blueprint: It can happen here / It happens here - Naomi Wolf on "The End of America" 60779
- You Have No Rights 9/0760780