- Exploring Risk and Resilience : Implications for Comparative Genocide Studies, and Mass Atrocity Prevention, by Stephen McLoughlin - Brill 06/15352493
- The Prevention of Genocide as a Jus cogens Norm? : a Formula for Lawful Humanitarian Intervention, by Manuel J. Ventura - Brill 12.06.15352836
- State Responsibility and Prevention in the Responsibility to protect : Communual Violence in India, by Cecilia Jacob - Global Responsibility to Protect 22.05.15352490
- "Liberat[ing] Mankind from such an Odious Scourge" : The Genocide Convention and the Continued Failure to Prevent or Halt Genocide in the Twenty-First Century, by Kelly Meddo…352800
- Before it's too late : preventing genocide by holding the territorial state responsible for not talking preventive action, by Etienne Ruvebana, Marcel Brus - Netherlands Inte…352832
- How the Genocide Convention came about, by Marcello Flores - Human rights and international law journal 03/15352792
- The international responsibility of the state for acts of genocide : a regime in search of autonomy, by Alessandro Bufalini - Human rights and international law journal 03/15352790
- US Foreign Policy and the International Penal Tribunal in the Genocide Convention : Article VI and Beyond, by Harry M. Rhea - University of Toronto Press 01/15352831
- The Uncertain Future of Genocide Denial Laws in the European Union, by Sean Gorton - Washington University Global Studies Law Review 01/15352794
- Conundrums of the Responsibility for Genocide in International Criminal Law: Between Collective Dimension and Individual Attribution, International Norm and Domestic Implemen…352801
- Historical Insights into the Establishment of the Position of Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, by Bertrand G. Ramcharan - Cambridge Scholars Publishing 01/15352830
- Prevention Cascade : the United States and the Diffusion of R2P, by Michael Galchinsky - Palgrave Macmillan 15.01.15352489
- The repression of direct and public incitement to commit genocide and that of conspiracy to commit genocide: are they means to prevent genocide?, by Andresia Vaz and Beatrice…352835
- The Proposed Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity : Developments and Deficiencies, by Tessa Bolton - TOAEP 12.12.14352611
- Beyond Territory, Jurisdiction, and Control : towards a Comprehensive Obligation to prevent Crimes against Humanity, by María Luisa Piqué - Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublishe…352682
- Towards Greater Coherence in International Criminal Law : Comparing Protected Groups in Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, by Rhea Brathwaite - Torkel Opsahl Academic EPub…352838
- States in the face of genocide: prevention, crime and punishment, by María José Cervell Hortal - Tirant lo Blanc 01/14352840
- Physical-biological or socio-cultural ‘destruction’ in genocide? Unravelling the legal underpinnings of conflicting interpretations, by Elisa Novic - Journal of Genocide Rese…352827
- Rethinking Approaches to Prevention under the Responsibility to protect : Agency and Empowerment within Vulnerable Populations, by Deborah Mayersen - Global Responsibility to…352799
- On the Proposed Crimes Against Humanity Convention, by Morten Bergsmo and Song Tianying - Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher 13.11.14352609
- Prevention of genocide under international law : an analysis of the obligations of states and the United Nations to prevent genocide at the primary, secondary and tertiary le…352859
- The "Responsibility to Protect" and the Structural Problems of Preventive Humanitarian Intervention, by Roland Paris - International Peacekeeping 10.10.14353075
- The mechanisms of the Optional Protocol to the Genocide Convention and its links to R2P, by Jean-François Bussière-Wallot - Loyola University Chicago 20.09.14352839
- Activities of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, by Kirstin Drenkhahn - Routledge 25.06.14353084
- Gender and the Future of Genocide Studies and Prevention, by Elisa von Joeden-Forgey - Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 23.06.14352491
- The time has come for genocide scholars to innovate : the critical need to develop and implement new and unique tools for prevention, by Israel W. Charny - Genocide Studies a…352452
- Conspiracy to commit genocide and its exclusion from the ICC Statute, by by Song Tianying - Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher 09.06.14352856
- The birth of the new justice : the internationalization of crime and punishment, 1919-1950, by Mark Lewis - Oxford University Press 27.04.14352842
- Semantics of Extermination : the Use of the New Term of Genocide in the Nuremberg Trials and the Genesis of a Master Narrative, by Alexa Stiller - Berghahn Books 24.03.14353047
- Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide : a commentary, by Christian Tams, Lars Berster and Björn Schiffbauer - Beck/Hart 17.03.14352857
- The Security Council and the Obligation to Prevent Genocide and War Crimes, by Andreas Zimmermann - Polish Yearbook of International Law 13.03.14353058
- Establishing State Responsibility for Historical Injustices : the Armenian Case, by Marco Roscini 13.03.14352860
- When the UN refuses to prevent Genocide : Legal, Political, and Religious Factors, by Hannibal Travis - Palgrave Macmillan 01/14352784
- Beyond the Binary Model : National Security Doctrine in Argentina as a Way of Rethinking Genocide as a Social Practice, by Daniel Feierstein - Rutgers University Press 01/14352841
- The regulation of genocide in international law and in Spanish law, by Valentín Bou Franch - University of Valencia 01/14352837
- Mediation and the prevention of mass atrocities, by Eileen F. Babbitt - Routledge 19.12.13352497
- The Obligation to prevent in the Proposed Convention examined in Light of the Obligation to prevent in the Genocide Convention, by Travis Weber - Torkel Opsahl Academic EPubl…352669
- "Paved with Good Intentions" : Attempts to design Mechanisms to prevent Genocide in the Twenty-first Century and why they have not succeeded, by Herbert Hirsch - Routledge 10…352849
- Do Criminal Trials prevent Genocide? : a Critical Analysis, by Maureen S. Hiebert - Routledge 10/13352847
- Lack of Political Will, by Kenneth Campbell - Routledge 10/13352845
- Responding to genocide : the politics of international action, by Adam Lupel, Ernesto Verdeja - Lynne Rienner Publishers 23.07.13352858
- The Regional Committee for the Prevention of Genocide of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, by Mutoy Mubiala - Éditions A. Pedone 14.06.13352826
- Political realism, sovereignty and intervention : is genocide prevention really possible in a world of nation states?, by Paul R. Bartrop - Routledge 22.05.13352843
- The Parameters of Vicarious Corporate : Criminal Liability for Genocide under International Law, by Michael J. Kelly - Brill 27.03.13352850
- The Legal Obligation to Prevent Genocide : "Bosnia v Serbia" and beyond, by Serena Forlati - Polish Yearbook of International Law 16.02.13353042
- The Wording and Interpretation of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide : an Ongoing Impediment, by Samuel Totten - Routledge 02/13353038
- The International Arms Trade and the Prevention of Genocide : the Law and Practice of Arming Genocidal Governments, by Hannibal Travis - Routledge 02/13353039
- Impediments to the prevention and intervention of genocide, by Samuel Totten - Routledge 15.02.13352855
- Aspects and Components of the United Nations that constitute Impediments to the Prevention and Intervention of Genocide, by Samuel Totten - Routledge 02/13353037
- Transitional Justice and the Prevention of Torture, by Lorna McGregor - International Journal of Transitional Justice 22.01.13353086
- Reconsidering Genocidal Intent in the Interest of Prevention, by Ekkehard Strauss - Global Responsibility to Protect 01.01.13353036
- The Holocaust and Mass Atrocity : the Continuing Challenge for Decision, by Winston P. Nagan - Michigan State International Law Review 01/13352854
- Putting in Place Processes and Mechanisms to Prevent and Eradicate Enforced Disapperances Around the World, by Jeremy Sarkin - South African Yearbook of International Law 01…353076
- Guidelines and principles on imprisonment and the prevention of torture under the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights - how relevant are they for South Africa?, by L…353087
- The Roots and Prevention of Genocide and Related Mass Violence, by Ervin Staub - Oxford University Press 20.11.12353046
- Domestic Prosecution of Genocide : Fragmentation or Natural Diversity?, by Cristina Fernández-Pacheco Estrada - Brill 23.10.12353041
- Military Commissions and the Paradigm of Prevention, by David Cole - Georgetown University Law Center 22.10.12353085
- Human Rights and Antiterrorism : a Positive Legal Duty to Infringe Freedom From Torture?, by Ian Turner - Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 15.10.12353090
- The Call of Justice : Obligations Under the Genocide Convention to Cooperate With the International Criminal Court, by Matthew Gillett - Criminal Law Forum 06.07.12353043
- Prologue : the Man who made Genocide a Crime : the Legacy of Raphael Lemkin, by Stanley A. Goldman - Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 13.06.12353044
- The Politics of Human Rights, State responsibilities, by Mark Gibney - Cambridge University Press 05.06.12352846
- State-Sanctioned Incitement to Genocide : the Responsibility to Prevent, by Irwin Cotler - Cambridge University Press 05.06.12353063
- Ten Years of the Robben Island Guidelines and Prevention of Torture in Africa : for what Purpose?, by Debra Long - African Human Rights Law Journal 01.06.12353089
- Genocide and Crimes against Humanity : Clarifying the Relationship, by William Schabas - Brill 16.05.12352614
- The Genocide Convention : the legacy of 60 years, by H.G. van der Wilt - Martinus Nijhoff 16.05.12353059
- The Soviet Perspective on the Drafting of the UN Genocide Convention, by Anton Weiss-Wendt - Brill 16.05.12353048
- Critical genocide studies, by Alexander L. Hinton - Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 04/12352848
- The United States and torture : interrogation, incarceration, and abuse, by Marjorie Cohn - NYU Press 01.04.12353091
- The slippery slope to genocide : reducing identity conflicts and preventing mass murder, by I. William Zartman, Mark Anstey, Paul Meerts - Oxford University Press 19.01.12353060
- Evolving International Law of Intervention and Prevention, by Franz Cede - Oxford University Press 19.01.12353062
- The Responsibility to Protect as International Crimes Prevention, by Don Hubert, Ariela Blätter - Global Responsibility to Protect 01.01.12352613
- Old Cultures Never Die? : Cultural Genocide in International Law, by Yvonne Donders - Intersentia 01/12353040
- Engendering the Responsibility to Protect : Women and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities, by Sara E. Davies, Sarah Teitt - Global Responsibility to Protect 01.01.12352499
- The Erga Omnes Obligation to Prevent and Prosecute Gross Human Rights Violations With Special Emphasis Upon Genocide and Persecution as a Crime Against Humanity, by Mispa Rou…352666
- "The Next Darfur" and Accountability for the Failure to prevent Genocide, by Nina H.B. Jørgensen - Nordic Journal of International Law 01.01.12353045
- Crimes against Humanity : between Prevention and Punishment, by Yoram Dinstein - Brill 28.10.11352612
- The special adviser on the prevention of genocide : adding value to the UN's mechanisms for preventing intra-state crises?, by Aidan Hehir - Journal of Genocide Research 26…353055
- Preventing Genocide : Measuring Success by what does not happen, by Payam Akhavan - Criminal Law Forum 09.04.11353049
- A study of the African Union's right of intervention against genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, by Girmachew Alemu Aneme - Wolf Legal Publishers 01.03.11352615
- A study of the African Union's right of intervention against genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, by Girmachew Alemu Aneme - Wolf Legal Publishers 01.03.11353050
- Fighting for Darfur : public action and the struggle to stop genocide, by Rebecca Hamilton - St. Martin's Press 01.02.11353054
- Universal Duties : the Responsibility to Protect, the Duty to Prevent (Genocide) and Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations, by Mark Gibney - Global Responsibility to Pro…353052
- Current and Potential Capacity for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities Within the United Nations System, by Deborah Mayersen - Global Responsibility to Protect 01…352500
- Post-war Developments of the Martens Clause : the Codification of Crimes against Humanity Applicable to Acts of Genocide, by Michael Salter, Maggi Eastwood - Journal of Inte…352670
- Social Networks and Technology in the Prevention of Crimes against Humanity, by Sarah E. Kreps - Brookings Institution Press 11/10352665
- From Prevention to Response : Using Military Force to oppose Mass Atrocities, by Sarah Sewall - Brookings Institution Press 12/10352501
- Preventing Genocide through Military Intervention : Peacekeeping Troops in the Responsibility to protect Era, by Wiebe Arts - Springer 15.10.10353051
- Creating the Outcry : Citizen-driven Political Will for Genocide Prevention in the US Context, by Rebecca J. Hamilton - Springer 10/10353053
- Mass atrocity crimes : preventing future outrages, by Robert I. Rotberg - Brookings Institution Press 15.09.10352672
- The world and Darfur : international response to crimes against humanity in western Sudan, by Amanda F. Grzyb - McGill-Queen's University Press 01.04.10352667
- The Right or Non-Right of States to Prosecute Core International Crimes under the Title of "Universal Jurisdiction", by Jo Stigen - Baltic Yearbook of International Law Onlin…352671
- Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes - GAAMAC301871
- GAAMAC - Prevention of Atrocities301872
- Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Project - UN301873
- AEGIS303532
- The Sentinel Project (Canada)301875
- ABA - Atrocity Crimes Initiative303535
- Atrocities Prevention Board - Wikipedia303533
- UN - Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide303529
- United States Institute of Peace - Genocide Prevention Task Force303534