- Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2022: Universal jurisdiction, an overlooked tool to fight conflict-related sexual violence - TRIAL International 04.04.22310306
- Amnesty International351185
- World Vision351186
- Women’s Refugee Commission351187
- Brookings Institution351188
- CARE351189
- UNICEF: Children and Armed Conflict351190
- Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict 351191
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute351192
- Small Arms Survey351193
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace351194
- Center for Defense Information351195
- Centre for Conflict Resolution351196
- Center on International Cooperation351197
- Royal United Services Institute351198
- Save the Children351199
- Refugees International351200
- Physicians for Human Rights351201
- Peace Women351202
- Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue351203
- Centre for International Governance Innovation351204
- Centre for Strategic and International Studies351205
- Council on Foreign Relations351206
- Henry L. Stimson Centre351207
- Global Policy Forum351208
- Crisis Group351209
- Human Rights Watch351210
- Oxfam International351211
- Norwegian Refugee Council 351212
- Médecins Sans Frontières351213
- Lowy Institute351214
- International Service for Human Rights351215
- Crisis Action351216
- International Peace Institute351217
- Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies351218
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre351219
- International Relations and Security Network351220
- International Rescue Committee351221
- The Sentinel Project454183