Social & Economic Impact on Women
- How coronavirus is widening the UK gender pay gap - Guardian 07.07.20252210
- How Covid-19 is changing women’s lives - BBC 01.07.20252249
- Decision tree: Data Collection on Violence against Women and COVID-19 - UNFPA 7/20216276
- Ensuring Women’s Access to Cash Transfers in the Wake of COVID-19 - cgdev 30.06.20211859
- Covid-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters - UN Women 26.06.20252245
- Care in the time of coronavirus: Why care work needs to be at the centre of a post-COVID-19 feminist future - Oxfam 25.06.20252320
- Valuing women’s caregiving during and after the coronavirus crisis - American Progress 03.06.20252323
- Women’s unpaid and underpaid work in the times of covid-19 - Amnesty 01.06.20252170
- Covid-19 crisis could set women back decades, experts fear - Guardian 29.05.20218037
- Seven reasons why COVID-19 is having a tougher impact on women and girls - Concern 25.05.20252316
- The impact of covid-19 on disabled women - Ann Craft Trust 14.05.20231839
- Women, work and COVID-19: the stark implications for women’s poverty - Close the Gap 12.05.20252240
- Gender and Covid-19: the immediate impact the crisis is having on women - LSE 23.04.20205400
- How girls’ education and safety will be harmed by the covid response - HRW 15.04.20252317
- The shadow pandemic: How the covid-19 crisis is exacerbating gender inequality - UN Foundation 14.04.20252194
- The secret weapon in the fight against coronavirus: women - The Guardian 11.04.20204787
- Put women and girls at centre of COVID-19 recovery: UN Secretary-General - UN News 9.04.20223741
- Policy Brief: The impact of COVID-19 on women - UN 09.04.20252189
- Malala Fund releases report on girls’ education and COVID-19 - Malala Fund 06.04.20252310
- Women at the core of the fight against COVID-19 crisis - OECD 01.04.20252247
- Report: COVID-19 and violence against women - What the health sector/system can do - WHO 26.03.20252254
- The coronavirus is a disaster for feminism - Atlantic 03/20252217
- Report: Five actions for gender equality in the COVID-19 response - UNICEF 03/20252208