- Wikipedia - Impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic on education205829
- * COVID-19 School Response Dashboard (USA)217326
- RIVM: Children and COVID-19 - Netherlands206341
- TV Show *Must-watch* - Lov Gov (Portrayal of the federal government as an overbearing boyfriend - “Gov” who foists his “good intentions” on hapless, idealistic college stude…314277
- ECDC - Questions and answers on COVID-19: Children aged 1 – 18 years and the role of school settings 263095
- * UNESCO - COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response205827
- Public health guidance for schools (K-12) and childcare programs (COVID-19) - Govt of Canada206243
- US Dept of Education - COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel205833
- Preschool and kindergarten services - SA Gov206307
- How we plan for the return to the classrooms, playgrounds and corridors of schools. - Restore our Schools 226350
- A Guide to School Reopenings — in Classrooms, on Screens and Outdoors - Bloomberg230497
- Center on Reinventing Public Education (USA)206115
- Government of NW Territories - Information on JK-12 Schools206129
- CRPE (USA) - District Responses to COVID-19 School Closures206116
- Publication: Education Stabilization Fund-Rethink K-12 Education Models - Department of Education (USA)206105
- Map: Coronavirus and School Closures (updated weekly) - Education Week206092
- No More Marking (UK)205704
- Calgary Board of Education - Ongoing Learning205857
- Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools - COVID 19205842
- Khan Academy (USA)205875
- The State of the Pandemic, Opening the Schools, and the Outbreak at San Quentin State Prison - UCSF School of Medicine on YouTube219603
- The Geo Inquiry Process Program- National Geographic 215789
- At least 130 million continue to face class closures five years after COVID-19 shut down schools around the world - Relief Web 11.03.25460629
- ‘They’re about two years behind’: fears for children born during lockdown as they start at school - Observer 01.09.24430692
- How teachers supported children and parents through COVID-19 school closures - Conversation 22.06.22293704
- Teachers Union Warns Pandemic Burnout Destroying Schools - CD 01.02.22276350
- Report reveals ‘nearly insurmountable’ scale of lost schooling due to Covid - Guardian 25.01.22274222
- Masks in schools: several EU countries already enforce them in primaries - Guardian 03.01.22271821
- The Challenges of Keeping Schools Open - NYT 02.01.22268831
- Rising number of anti-vaxxers ‘willing to take direct action against schools’ - Guardian 25.10.21259754
- UN data reveals ‘nearly insurmountable’ scale of lost schooling due to Covid - Guardian 25.01.22270979
- Concern over jab delay for pupils in England as age group cases soar - Guardian 17.10.21258160
- We don’t talk nearly enough about how kids of color are disproportionately suffering during the pandemic - Motherjones 10.10.21257916
- ‘Exhausted and underpaid’: teachers across the US are leaving their jobs in numbers - Guardian 04.10.21262373
- Long Covid in children and adolescents is less common than previously feared - Guardian 16.09.21257330
- Remote learning setting back millions of S Asian children: UNICEF - Al Jazeera 09.09.21254773
- Give pupils Covid jab to prevent virus running through UK, expert says - Guardian 04.09.21254488
- From vaccine mandates to a chatting ban: how schools in the Asia Pacific are managing Delta - Guardian 02.09.21254263
- Classroom time isn't the only thing students have lost - Atlantic 09/21254690
- Schools across Europe must stay open, say WHO and Unicef - Guardian 30.08.21253945
- Classrooms in England to get air quality monitors to help combat Covid - Guardian 21.08.21253327
- What works to reduce SARSCoV2 aerosol transmission in schools? - @EricTopol 20.08.21253580
- SARS-CoV-2 aerosol transmission in schools: the effectiveness of different interventions - medRxiv 20.08.21253581
- Finding Loophole in Abbott's Mask Mandate Ban, Texas School Board Adds Face Coverings to Dress Code - Common Dreams 18.08.21253189
- ‘A vocal group got its way’: Florida parents condemn schools’ lack of mask mandates - Guardian 18.08.21252813
- Why are government experts holding off vaccinating under-16s in the UK? - Guardian 06.08.21252717
- ‘Refusal’ to make Covid school contingency plans for exams is ‘unforgivable’ - Canary 04.08.21251696
- Covid outbreak at my children’s school makes me fear we’re complacent - Guardian 04.06.21249250
- Longer school hours won’t plug Covid learning gaps, says Cambridge academic - Guardian 28.05.21246411
- Can schools require COVID-19 vaccines for students 12 and up? - PBS 17.05.21245418
- Is homeschooling socially harmful? - New Int 12.06.21244222
- Covid-19: Don’t abandon mask wearing in schools, say health experts - BMJ 10.05.21245991
- As Schools Spend Millions on Air Purifiers, Experts Warn of Overblown Claims and Harm to Children - KHN 03.05.21242785
- Some schools skip student quarantines - Washington Post 02.05.21242738
- COVID studies note online learning stress, fewer cases in schools with protocols - CIDRAP 30.04.21242740
- Indoctrinating digital surveillance - WSI Mag 27.04.21242286
- School survey shows ‘critical gaps’ for in-person learning - AP 24.03.21239582
- Teachers Unions Want More Details on New CDC Guidance of Desks Only 3 Feet Apart - CD 19.03.21239604
- Why Black Parents Aren’t Joining the Push to Reopen Schools - MJ 18.03.21239186
- BC elementary school teachers contracting COVID-19 at more than triple the rate of secondary teachers - BCTF 16.03.21238645
- The Problem With the CDC’s Six-Foot Rule for Schools - Intelligencer 09.03.21237851
- Reopening schools without strict COVID-19 mitigation measures risks accelerating the pandemic - OSF 06.03.21239019
- Most teachers think remote learning is a poor substitute for the classroom, survey shows - WEF 04.03.21238206
- Over 168 million children miss nearly a year of schooling, UNICEF says - UN News 03.03.21237044
- In Their Own Words: Why Health Experts Say Elementary Schools Should Open - NYT 02.03.21237616
- Are Schools’ Fancy New Air-Scrubbing Devices Really Effective—and Safe? - MJ 02.03.21236914
- Teacher Unions: We Want to Reopen Schools as Well, But We Need Vaccines & Resources to Do It Safely - DN! 17.02.21235418
- Social network-based strategies for classroom size reduction can help limit outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in high schools - medRxiv 15.02.21 237408
- Covid-19 school closures are widening Europe’s class divisions - Economist 13.02.21235411
- Video: A teacher posted this. It’s a room w/ COVID accommodations for 28 students. Watch what the student’s experience when the teacher sits in a student’s seat... - KatBrezl…235373
- Push to reopen schools could leave out millions of students - AP 31.01.21233782
- What will education look like in 20 years? Here are 4 scenarios - WEF 28.01.21235548
- American children losing most by missing school may miss it longest - Economist 19.01.21232586
- Children cannot afford another year of school disruption - UNICEF 11.01.21231535
- How Much Has the Pandemic Reversed Education Gains? - Dialogue 08.01.21231790
- Schools in England may stay closed for weeks, admits Williamson - Guardian 03.01.21231700
- Teachers take legal action as chaos grips England's schools plan - Guardian 02.01.21231701
- Teachers Unions Continue To Block School Reopenings Across America - FEE 05.02.21231555
- Covid: current advice on reopening primary schools in England - Guardian 02.01.21231699
- Ministers urged to close all schools in England for two weeks - Guardian 02.01.21231803
- The schools debate this summer was in a context of (relatively) low community transmission...We have rampant, out of control, community transmission. Schools should close. - …231345
- An absolute smorgasbord of data around children, schools and COVID19 this week... - Alasdair Munro on Twitter 13.11.20227102
- ‘All children seek joy and opportunities to experiment’: the universal language of play - Guardian 12.11.20229910
- Covid: too many children are being tested, says leading UK expert - Guardian 28.09.20218314
- Class sizes in UK may rise to 60 as schools struggle to cover for self-isolating teachers - Guardian 27.09.20217570
- Feared coronavirus outbreaks in schools yet to arrive, early data shows - WP 24.09.20217327
- Hard-to-reach areas benefit from EU Humanitarian Aid funded quality education as schools reopen in Somalia - FCA 21.09.20217024
- This is how we make education fit for the post-COVID world - World Economic Forum 15.09.20218247
- How will schoolkids cope with face masks? As an adolescent boy, I would have welcomed one - Guardian 03.09.20215382
- Coronavirus: is it safe for children to go back to school? - Guardian 03.09.20215381
- “We Feel Betrayed”: NYC Reaches Deal with Teachers to Reopen Schools & Avert Strike, But Is It Safe? - Democracy Now 02.09.20215371
- The impact of lockdown on the learning gap: family and school divisions in times of crisis - Springer 9/20231130
- Schools in England draw up Covid behaviour codes - Guardian 31.08.20216156
- The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how - World Economic Forum 29.08.20215469
- 'I'm happy to be fined': parents on the return to school - The Guardian 25.08.20215463
- A Letter to the International Community - Project Syndicate 17.08.20215031
- COVID-19 is widening the education gap. This is how we can stop it - World Economic Forum 10.08.20215468
- Michelle Obama and Melinda Gates: We can't ignore adolescent girls in Covid-19 response - CNN 07.08.20216061
- Republicans, Democrats differ over factors K-12 schools should consider in deciding whether to reopen - Pew Research Center 05.08.20214508
- Reopening schools too early could spread COVID-19 even faster – especially in the developing world - World Economic Forum 10.08.20213814