Covid-19 and Refugees
- Action Tracker: Municipal Migrant & Refugee COVID-19 Response & Recovery Efforts - Mayors Migration Council266179
- Migration Data Portal - Migration data relevant for the COVID-19 pandemic.266175
- Migration Health Evidence Portal for COVID-19 266164
- UN Migration - Global Crisis Response Platform.266171
- UN Migration - Covid-19 Analytical Snapshots.266169
- UN Migration - Mobility Impacts: Human Mobility Impacts Due to COVID-19. 266168
- Asylum Access - Webinar Series: COVID-19 and Refugee Rights.266244
- Central Emergency Response Fund - COVID-19 Allocations.266218
- Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH)266205
- Jesuit Refugee Service - COVID-19 and Asylum.266191
- Vera Institute of Justice - Coronavirus Guidance for the Criminal and Immigration Legal Systems.267408
- The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants - Protecting migrants from Covid-19.266201
- South Africa study suggests Omicron could displace Delta - Reuters 28.12.21267088
- IOM’s Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to COVID-19 Pandemic - UN IOM 12/21266163
- Report: Impact of COVID-19 on EU’s Mediterranean Migration Policies: Case of Libya - MMC 26.11.21265508
- Refugees and the Impact of COVID-19 - UNCHR 17.06.21265822
- Publication: Management of COVID-19 risks in immigration detention - Australian HR Commission 16.06.21267641
- Fault Lines of Refugee Exclusion: Statelessness, Gender, and COVID-19 in South Asia - HHR 06/21266592
- Report: COVID-19 and the State of Global Mobility in 2020 - IOM 04/21266057
- COVID-19 and Mobility - UN IOM 25.03.21266058
- Guide: Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines for All Migrants - OHCHR 08.03.21266107
- Protecting Forcibly Displaced Women and Girls During the COVID-19 Pandemic - UNHCR 03/21265821
- Covid-19 vaccines and undocumented migrants: What are european countries doing? - PICUM 11.02.21266243
- Towards a migrant and refugee inclusive COVID-19 vaccine roll-out - UNICEF 02/21266061
- Practices: Migrant Protection and Assistance during COVID-19 - UN IOM 19.12.20266060
- Which way forward on the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration in the era of COVID-19? - Civil Society Action Committee 12/20266185
- Report: Populations at risk: Implications of COVID-19 for hunger, migration and displacement - WFP 11/20266173
- Children refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and/or forced migrants (pdf) - Alliance CPHA 01.10.20265884
- Stranded migrants need safe and dignified return – OHCHR 01.10.20266055
- Rohingya children bearing brunt of COVID disruptions in Bangladesh refugee camps as education facilities remain closed - UNICEF 25.08.20265890
- Maldives: Covid-19 Exposes Abuse of Migrants - HRW 25.08.20266339
- Global Compact for Migration: Well Governed Migration as an Essential Element of Effective COVID-19 Response - UN IOM 20.08.20266059
- The role of the Global Compact on Refugees in the international response to the COVID-19 pandemic - UNHCR 29.07.20265820
- COVID-19 Guidance for Immigrant Californians - Listos 07/20267675
- Locked Down and Left Behind: The Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees’ Economic Inclusion -CGD 07/20265819
- Refugee-Led Organizations Can Deliver Education to Refugee Children During COVID-19 and Beyond - allAfrica 19.06.20265891
- Report: Vulnerabilities of migrant children & young people living alone in the context of Covid-19 - Migration and Health 18.06.20265889
- Paper: Cross-border Human Mobility amid and after COVID-19 - UN IOM 17.06.20266062
- Guide: Infection prevention and control of COVID-19 in migrant and refugee reception and detention centres in the EU/EEA and the UK - ECDC 15.06.20267379
- Releasing Migrants from Detention During the Covid-19 Pandemic - SPRINGER 15.06.20267385
- Enhancing Access to Services for Migrants in the Context of COVID-19 and Beyond - UN IOM 11.06.20266064
- Urgent Justice Mechanism for Repatriated Migrant Workers Now - Migrant Forum Asia 01.06.20266183
- Neglect of low-income migrants in covid-19 response - BMJ 29.05.20266166
- Reducing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Internally Displaced People - ICRC 27.05.20265887
- Guide: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Human Rights of Migrants - OHCHR 26.05.20266056
- Governments must protect the rights of migrants during the pandemic and beyond - OHCHR 26.05.20266094
- The impact of COVID-19 on Displaced and Refugee Girls and Women - Plan International 22.05.20265886
- Combatting Xenophobia is Key to an Effective COVID-19 Recovery - UN IOM 22.05.20266176
- Paper: COVID-19 and mixed population movements: Emerging dynamics, risks and opportunities - UNHCR 14.05.20266172
- National preparedness and response plans for COVID-19 and other diseases - Migration Data Portal 14.05.20266165
- Forced returns of migrants must be suspended in times of COVID-19 - UN IOM 13.05.20265835
- Informal settlements and COVID-19 - UN Habitat 13.05.20266087
- Water, sanitation and hygiene in informal settlements and COVID-19 - UN Habitat 13.05.20266086
- In an immigrant community battling coronavirus, ‘essential’ means ‘vulnerable’ - Washington Post 09.05.20267642
- Criminal Justice Leaders Call for Protection of Immigrants in Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic - Fair and Just Prosecution 01.05.20266573
- Recommendations for Policy-makers: Protecting migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic - ILO 30.04.20266065
- COVID-19 & Immigration Detention: What Can Governments and Other Stakeholders Do? - UN IMO 29.04.20266066
- Migrants “held for processing” should be released from COVID-19 high-risk detention centres (U.S.) - OHCHR 27.04.20266194
- Publication: Migrants and COVID-19 pandemic: An initial analysis - UN IOM 21.04.20266067
- Preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 for refugees and migrants in non-camp settings - WHO 17.04.20266180
- Brief: COVID-19 response in resource-limited settings with reference to migrant and mobile populations - IOM 15.04.20266167
- México debe liberar a los migrantes detenidos en el contexto de la pandemia - HRW 14.04.20266204
- Campaña: #RegularizaciónYa de todas las personas migrantes y refugiadas - APDHA 13.04.20266202
- Refuge in the time of corona - International Center for Migration Policy Development 10.04.20266162
- Note on the protection of migrants in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic - ICRC 08.04.20266069
- Guide: Covid-19 and the Human Rights of Migrants - OHCHR 07.04.20265893
- USA: Amid COVID-19 pandemic, authorities must release immigration detainees - AI 07.04.20266195
- Solutions for COVID-19 Pandemic and New Solidarity with Migrants and Refugees - CS Action Committee 07.04.20266182
- Quick Tips: COVID-19 and Migrant, Refugee and Internally Displaced Children - UNICEF 06.04.20265888
- Covid-19 and migration in the age of biosecurity - International Center for Migration Policy Development 03.04.20266161
- Governments must halt dangerous and discriminatory detention of migrants and asylum seekers - AI 02.04.20266190
- Accountable Actions and Recognising Responsibilty towards Migrant Workers - Migrant Forum Asia 04/20266159
- Brief: COVID-19 Crisis Through a Migration Lens - World Bank Group 04/20266178
- Guide: Addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women migrant workers - UN Women 04/20266068
- Time is running out to protect refugees from a coronavirus crisis - Aljazeera 31.03.20265885
- COVID-19 and the Displaced: Addressing the Threat of the Novel Coronavirus in Humanitarian Emergencies - Refugees International 30.03.20266192
- Open letter: Restore legality to protect refugees and the society at large amidst the pandemic - ECRE 25.03.20266203
- ICE Detention In The Time Of COVID-19: Accounts From NIJC's Detained Clients - NIJC 24.03.20266199
- Spread of COVID-19 needs urgent and immediate measures to protect the rights of detainees in Africa - ASF 24.03.20267372
- Calls On Congress To Protect All Communities In COVID-19 Aid Packages - National Immigrant Justice Center 23.03.20266198
- COVID-19 Does Not Discriminate; Nor Should Our Response - UN Network on Migration 20.03.20266206
- How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement - IASC 19.03.20266170
- Statement: Healthcare provisions for undocumented migrants and those in immigration detention - University of Oxford 13.03.20266188
- New allegations pressure ICE to release immigrant detainees - ABC News 01.05.20266559
- We Need Urgent Measures to Mend the Cracks in our Health, Social Protecion and Migration Systems - PICUM 03/20266160
- Guide: Gender Alert for COVID-19 Outbreak - IASC 03/20266079
- Guide: Scaling-up COVID-19 Outbreak Readiness and Response Operations in Humanitarian Situations - IASC 03/20266078
- Coronavirus emergency appeal UNHCR’s preparedness and response plan - UNHCR 03/20265818
- Decongestion of IDP settlements as a control measure for COVID-19 pandemic - UN Habitat 2020266157
- Guide: Legal Aid Providers to Protect Health and Human Rights of Detainees - ILF 2020267400
- Report : Immigration detention in times of covid-19 (Texas) - Migrant Center for Human Rights 2020266200
- Refoulement, detention, push-backs and deportations of children in the context of the covid-19 pandemic - UN IOM 2020266063
- How Immigrant Communities Are Confronting COVID Challenges - YES Magazine 02.11.20271016
- The Ripple Effects of the Coronavirus on Immigrant Communities - NEW YORKER 13.04.20271017
- COVID-19 and Criminal Legal and Immigrant Detention System - The Justice Collaborative -TJC 13.03.20271022
- Trump policies could scare immigrants away from coronavirus care - AXIOS 06.03.20271023
- No, a Border Wall Won't Stop Coronavirus - WIRED 11.03.20271024
- Worker & Migrant Justice Response to the Coronavirus - NDLON 271025
- #FreeThemAll: Toolkit to Support Local Demands for Mass Release of People in ICE Custody - Detention Watch Network (DWN)271027
- Fauci: Expelling immigrants 'not the solution' to stopping Covid-19 spread - CNN 271060