- UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS64692
- UNAIDs Referencing Group64705
- UNDP - HIV, Health & Development64706
- UN Women - Gender Equality & AIDs64712
- AIDS-Free World239799
- The AIDS Institute64736
- / ImmuNet - Quality HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Resources64765
- Act Up - Links64792
- Act Up (New York)64793
- AEGIS - HIV Daily Briefing64764
- AEGIS - Information on HIV/AIDS64733
- African Women's Development Fund - HIV / AIDS64744
- amfAR - Foundation for Aids Research64695
- AVERT - AIDS Education and Research Trust64735
- Black Brothers Esteem64783
- British Association for Sexual Health and HIV - BASHH64762
- British HIV Association - BHIVA64763
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network64753
- CDC - Business Responds to AIDS / Labor Responds to AIDS 64734
- CDC National Center - Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention64702
- Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation (CADRE) 64745
- Critical Path AIDS Project - Treatment, Research Prevention Information64756
- Global Alliance to End AIDs in Children298590
- Doctors Without Borders - HIV / AIDS64716
- European Working Group on Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDs & Development64746
- Fighting AIDS - The Global Fund64693
- HIV / AIDS Education and Prevention Program, NEA HIN - USA64754
- HIV Legal Network - Canada223816
- HIV Wisdom for Older Women - serving an under-represented community (USA)64773
- ICAD - International Coalition on AIDS & Development64714
- ICRW - HIV/AIDS64742
- International AIDS Society (IAS)64696
- International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (IAPAC)64766
- Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health64755
- MSF - HIV / AIDs64715
- National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP)64784
- National AIDS Trust (UK)64725
- ONE International - Poverty & AIDS64723
- PATH - HIV & AIDs64722
- Project Inform - HIV / AIDS Treatment Information and Advocacy64772
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF)64775
- Search for a Cure64782
- SING - a voice for HIV/AIDS women & children64724
- Student Global Aids Campaign64732
- Stop AIDs UK64752
- THIVK - HIV, Education and General Information 64774
- Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) - South Africa64743
- US Military - HIV Research Program 204820
- Youth Empowerment Against HIV/AIDS - Australia456654