General Info
- Yoga - Wikipedia64425
- Hatha Yoga - Wikipedia64426
- Yamas - Wikipedia64427
- Asana - Yoga Postures64428
- Pranayama - Breathing64429
- Patanjali - Wikipedia64435
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Wikipedia64436
- International Day of Yoga - June 2164437
- Yoga Explained - Mira Mehta64438
- Kareen's Yoga64439
- The ABC of Yoga - Kareen Zebroff64445
- Yoga DVDs (amazon)64446
- Free Online Yoga Classes - Do Yoga With Me186409
- Yoga Journal186410
- The Benefits of Yoga186411
- Yoga News186412
- Yoga News - BBC186413
- KRI Yoga Research Center186415
- Yoga: What You Need To Know - NIH186417
- Yoga U186418
- Yoga Research and Public Health: Is Research Aligned With The Stakeholders’ Needs? - Journal of Primary Care & Community Health186419
- Use of Yoga and Meditation Becoming More Popular in U.S. - CDC186420
- Which style of yoga is right for me? Here’s a primer, with a caveat - AP News 25.01.25454462
- Yoga has many health benefits as you age – but is it also the secret to longevity? - Conversation 19.12.24447540
- ‘It improves everything’: 17 reasons to love yoga – even if you are sceptical - The Guardian 07.09.23371727
- In a dangerous and divided world, yoga yields ‘precious’ benefits - UN News 21.06.23355983
- ‘Cultural appropriation’: discussion builds over western yoga industry - Guardian 12.12.22319418
- Celebrating the union of body and soul: UN marks International Yoga Day - UN News 21.06.22292035
- Video: The Gift of Yoga - International Yoga Day 21.06.20212228
- Young Friends video: Learn yoga 11.05.20219815
- Harvard University urges people to perform Yoga every morning to fight COVID-19 19.03.20209304
- 'He got away with it': how the founder of Bikram yoga built an empire on abuse - Guardian 11/19191975
- Yoga keeps the mind and body young, 22 clinical trials show - Medical News Today 6/19186414
- The science of yoga — what research reveals - Elsevier 2015186416