- Sexually Transmitted Diseases / Womens Health - NIH40251
- Feminist Health & Sexuality Links40252
- Menopausal Hormone Therapy Information (NIH)40253
- Sexuality | Zanzu243267
- Come Clean - Condoms Prevent Infections - BBC Wales40255
- Tree Poster40257
- Miscarriage - Healthline209899
- The History of Sexuality (book) - Wikipedia209900
- History of Human Sexuality - Wikipedia209901
- SexScrolls - sex history and scandal209902
- History of Sexuality209903
- I have never wanted children – and don’t think I will change my mind - Guardian 13.08.23374301
- After my miscarriages I didn’t need to talk – I needed access to better care - Guardian 04.08.21251613
- To have a child or not is a huge decision. So why is there so little discussion of it? - Guardian 04.04.22288534
- New Zealand Approves Paid Leave After A Miscarriage - npr 25.03.21239880
- Tokophobia: Why aren’t we talking about it more? - BMJ 17.03.21238950
- Durex condoms: how their teenage immigrant inventor was forgotten by history - Conversation 11.02.21235276
- Baby loss charities call for cultural shift to break silence around miscarriage - Guardian 26.11.20229019
- Miscarriage is still taboo – which is why Meghan's words are so powerful - Guardian 26.11.20229020