Selected / General Articles
- A Biden Victory Could Reset Transatlantic Relations - PS 03.07.20213302
- Merkel and Trump approach TTIP through the back door - Friends of the Earth Europe 26.04.18147069
- Hundreds of thousands march in Germany against TTIP, CETA – Common Dreams 17.09.16147073
- TTIP Proposal for Chapter: Good Regulatory Practices - published by lobby control, Germany - 3/16147074
- Bounty on Its Head: Wikileaks Raising €100K Reward for Secret Text of TTIP - Common Dreams 11.08.15147075
- Concerns Mounting Over Secretive Trans-Atlantic Trade Deal TTIP - MintPress 17.03.15147079
- I’ve seen the secrets of TTIP, and it is built for corporations not citizens - Guardian 04.02.15147080
- Eurobarometer: who’s for and against TTIP in EU - Borderlex 06.01.15147081
- EU leaders seek to overcome hostility to US trade deal - IBT 19.12.14147085
- TTIP media – from blackout to splurge - Global Justice Now 19.11.14147086
- TTIP’s in trouble – but we need to stop all of it, not just bits of it - Global Justice Now 17.11.14147087
- ‘Who’s government working for?’ Cameron backing TTIP at G20 slammed by campaigners - RT 17.11.14147089
- French government will not sign TTIP agreement in 2015 - Euractiv 17.11.14147090
- G20 summit: Cameron promises to fire 'rocket boosters' under controversial EU-US TTIP trade deal - Independent 16.11.14147091
- Britain doesn't need to be in Europe to strike important trade deals - Telegraph 05.11.14147095
- TTIP - Four Letters That Spell Rising Poverty - Huff Post 02.10.14147096
- Vince Cable Mocks Ukip's 'Weakness' For Opposing TTIP Trade Deal - Huffington Post 02/10147097
- Business and NGOs divided over TTIP regulatory cooperation - EurActiv 01.10.14147101
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Trojan Horse. Selling out Europe to US Corporate Plunder - Global Research 30.09.14147102
- TTIP: David Cameron to Dispel 'Myths' as UK Business Bosses Call for Leadership - IB Times 24/09/14147103
- A regulatory race to the bottom: fact or fiction? - TTIP Beware What Lies Beneath 09.09.14147107
- What would a positive TTIP look like? - TTIP: What Lies Beneath 02.09.14147108
- Bring on the defeat of the EU-US free trade deal - Guardian 02.09.14147109
- Is This EU-US Trade Deal A 'Once-In-A-Generation' Opportunity? - Forbes 28.08.14147113
- Opposition to EU-US trade deal gathers momentum as negotiations falter - Global Justice Now 22.10.14147114
- The US-EU free trade agreement could affect 'every aspect of our lives' - Vice 14.07.14147115
- TTIP: The Real Costs Of Free Trade - Morning Star 07.07.14147119
- The Transatlantic Trade Deal: a project of the 1% - Open Democracy 23.06.14147120
- re:publica 2014 - TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times... 06.05.14 (recommended)147121
- Das transatlantische Freihandelsabkommen (TTIP) - Sonnenseite 05.05.14147125
- TAFTA/TTIP: What Are The Benefits? What Are The Costs? 18.04.14147126
- United States, EU trade relations with the United States. Facts, figures and latest developments - European Commission 147127
- EU-U.S. trade talks face growing hostility, ministers warn - CT 28.02.14147131
- It's David Cameron who's rolling over for big corporations in the EU-US trade deal - Guardian 13.12.13147132
- Leaked European Commission PR strategy: "Communicating on TTIP" 25.11.13147133
- This transatlantic trade deal is a full-frontal assault on democracy ! - Guardian 04.11.13147137
- TTIP: What's in it for us? - UK 10/13147138
- European Commission preparing for EU-US trade talks: 119 meetings with industry lobbyists - Corporate Watch 19.09.13147139
- What's really driving the EU-US trade deal? - Open Democracy, 07/13147143
- The US-EU trade deal: don't buy the hype - Guardian 7/13147144
- Trade Secrets – Draft EU documents reveal trade agenda with U.S. 7/13147145
- Getting in Bed With Europe - Slate 6/13147149
- EU exit would put US trade deal at risk, Britain warned - Guardian 5/13147150
- Reducing Transatlantic Barriers to Trade and Investment - An Economic Report 3/13 *.pdf147151
- Study reveals German-US scepticism over TTIP - EurAktiv 4/14147155
- Support in Principle for U.S.-EU Trade Pact - Pew Research Center / Bertelsmann Foundation 4/14 *.pdf147156