- European Initiative Against TTIP & CETA45215
- Do the CETA Check ! - campaign site 201745216
- STOP TTIP & CETA - facebook45217
- International Attac Network45218
- bilaterals - everything that is not happen at the WTO - facebook45219
- The Rules - The Issues45220
- Peoples' Global Action Against the 'Free' Trade and the WTO (PGA)45221
- Europe : TTIP free Zones - facebook45222
- Austria : TTIP / CETA stoppen - Austrian Plattform45223
- Austria : Initiativplattform TTIP stoppen für OÖ - Upper Austria45224
- Austria : Arbeitsgemeinschaft „KMU gegen TTIP“45225
- Bask Country : Euskal Herrian TTIP-ari EZ :: NO al TTIP45226
- Belgium : Platforme contre le transatlantisme 45227
- Belgium : No TTIP45228
- Belgium : Allianz d19-2045229
- Britain : No TTIP 45230
- Canada : Citizens Against CETA45231
- Czechia : Spatny vTTIP45233
- Czechia : Spatny vTTIP - eng45234
- Eire and Scotland against TTIP agreement - facebook45235
- Denmark : TTIP Network45236
- Denmark : Stop TTIP Bevaegelsen45237
- France : collectif national Stop TAFTA45238
- France : Stop Tafta 1445239
- Germany : TTIP unFAIRhandelbar45240
- Germany : Netzwerk Vorsicht Freihandel! Leipzig45241
- Germany : Bündnis Münster gegen TTIP45242
- Germany : Frankfurter Bündnis gegen TTIP, CETA und TISA 45243
- Greece : Stop TTIP Ceta45244
- Ireland: TTIP Info Network45245
- Italy : Stop TTIP45246
- Netherlands : TTIP Alarm45247
- New Zealand : Its our future - campaign against the TPPA45248
- Poland : Uwaga TTIP45249
- Poland : People, the environment and democracy more important than profits and corporate law The common position of the European civil society organizations warning of the …45250
- Portugal : Nao aos Tradados TTIP CETA TISA45251
- Spain : Campana NO al TTIP 45252
- Sweden : Stoppa TTIP45253
- Switzerland : Komitee «Stop TiSA»45254
- Finland : Stop TTIP, CETA, TISA - fi, eng45255
- USA : Flush the TPP ! Stop the Global Corporate Coup!45256
- USA : S2B - Seattle to Brussels Network45257
- Global Day of Action - 18 April 2015 - 45258
- European Day of Action - 11 October 2014 45259
- Europe : Stop TTIP / TAFTA - facebook45260
- EU Investment Policy on CETA : Looking behind closed doors45261
- ALTER-EU - Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation in the European Union45262