EPA - Economic Partnership Agreements
- EU Commission - Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)318718
- Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) - Wikipedia181965
- Market Access Map - United Kingdom Economic Partnership Agreements318725
- EU Commission - EU trade relations with West Africa. Facts, figures and latest developments318732
- Partnership under pressure - An assessment of the European Commission's conduct in the EPA negotiations - Tear Fund (web archive)318722
- Why Economic Partnership Agreements Undermine Africa's Regional Integration - Wilson Center 318724
- ESA-UK economic partnership agreement (EPA) - Gov.UK 06.02.19318727
- EU-Africa and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) – Revisited - Donald Peter Chimanikire, 2019318734
- The impact of Economic Partnership Agreements on the development of African value chains - ECDPM 15.06.17318726
- What next for the Economic Partnership Agreements? Thoughts on deepening the EU-Africa trade partnership - IDOS 09/17318729
- Economic Partnership Agreements with the EU: Trade-Offs for Africa - GIGA, 2016318719
- Revisiting the ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements – The Role of Complementary Trade and Investment Policies - Inter Economics, 2010318731
- Journal: Implications of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) for the CSME - Jstor 06/09318730
- Africa : Economic Partnership Agreements between Africa and the European Union, What to do Now? Summary Report - World Bank 10/08318728
- Understanding the EPA: cultural service - David Jessop - CRNM 07.01.08318720
- Deal on Economic Partnership Agreements expected at ACP-EU talks (web archive) - Eux 21.11.07318723
- Slamming the Door on Development: Analysis of the EU’s response to the Pacific’s EPA negotiating proposals - Oxfam (web archive) 12/06318721
- Briefing note: Unequal Partners: How EU–ACP Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) could harm the development prospects of many of the world’s poorest countries - Oxfam 09/06318737