VEGAN Guide – Veganism and Our Future
Vegans are people who abstain from the use of all animal products in their diet, oppose the suffering and exploitation of animals, and adopt this philosophy into their lifestyles. Animals have been used for centuries for entertainment, clothing, food, and medicines. Massive profits are made from these types of industries, all at the expense of animals.
Increasing industrialisation of the food industry has taken the production of meat, dairy, and eggs to unsustainable and frankly cruel levels. Crammed into unclean spaces, with no natural light, where there are unable to even turn around. Poultry chickens are now grown so quickly that they cannot even stand under their own weight.
Better World Info provides an excellent ➡️ platform for vegans who say no to this cruelty. With hundreds of resources to help spread vegan knowledge, network with excellent organisations, and raise awareness of a healthy, nutritious, and more compassionate world.
Factory farming accounts for 99% of famed animals in the U.S. where every day 23 million animals are killed. The truth is, there is no humane method of slaughter. Advertisements appeal to our growing appetites and encourage further disassociation with cartoon images of happy chickens and laughing cows. Big Meat is worth a whopping $897.5 billion globally.
The disconnection between what is on our plate and where it came from needs to change.
“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, the whole world would be vegetarian,” Linda McCartney.

Luckily, with rising awareness of the environmental impact of meat, greater understanding of the cruel conditions endured by farmed animals, and a growing community of morally conscious and health aware citizens, we are seeing more and more people taking up a plant-based diet. With so many alternatives available now, making the switch has become much easier. Leading the way for veganism is the UK, Australia, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, and Sweden.
Be sure to check out our informative categories on related issues such as animal testing, animal rights, live export, vegetarians, the fishing industry, how to be an ethical consumer, ethical banking and investment, food waste, freeganism, food packaging, GMOs, organic farming, permaculture, urban agriculture, self-sufficiency, how to spot greenwashing, simple living, minimalism, and becoming more sustainable.
Where can I find Vegan News, Blogs, and Magazines?
Whether you are interested in starting your vegan journey, need tips on your vegan transition, or are simply looking to cut down on your meat in-take, Better World Info is an excellent starting point for the best vegan social media accounts follow, podcasts, magazines, bloggers, activists, and the latest developments in the vegan world.
Find information on awareness campaigns such as Veganuary, eye-opening documentaries such as Cowspiracy, and our top picks of easy-to-make, nutritious, and tasty vegan recipes.
Who are the top Vegan Organisations?
Vegan organisations are essential in campaigning for a cruelty free world. They raise awareness of the true nature of the food, fur, leather, and animal entertainment industries. They also play an important part in educating businesses, communities, and schools on how they can easily integrate veganism into their menus and general ideologies.
An important tool for networking, vegan organisations bring together likeminded individuals, activists, changemakers, philanthropists, advocates, and experts. The biggest changes happen when we work together - checkout our recommended vegan organisations and get involved today!
What are the Benefits of a Vegan Diet?
No longer support factory farming
If the demand for meat and dairy products is reduced, the supply will inevitably fall. This reduced supply will lead to the deintensification of the industry and less needless suffering.

Securing the worlds food supply
The farming of animals for livestock is incredibly energy inefficient. 80% of the world's soybean crops are used for beef, chicken, egg and dairy production. Animal farming is a leading cause of food waste, with global food insecurity a growing crisis, and 828 million people suffering with hunger, massive reductions in meat consumption could transform our food systems and alleviate hunger for millions.
Reduced environmental impact
The raising of livestock and the subsequent transportation and processing contributes massively to the destruction of our natural world. Animal husbandry is a leading cause of soil degradation, biodiversity loss, greenhouse gas emissions, pollution of water sources, particulate matter pollution, water consumption, deforestation, and the spread of infectious diseases.

Save the planet!
Vegan diets release one-fifth of the CO² emissions that an omnivore diet does. The UN confirms that as one of the top three contributors to the global climate crisis, a powerful way to help protect our planet is by dramatically reducing our consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy produce.
Be sure to check out our inspiring climate crisis solutions category where you can find essential information on how small adjustments to our lives can make a big difference. Learn more about what you can do today.

Health benefits
Studies have proven that those following a vegan lifestyle have a lower risk of diabetes, certain types of cancer and heart disease, and of being overweight. A healthy vegan diet is actually richer in certain nutrients including fibre, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.
Other benefits include lower levels of cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels, and switching to vegan can be used to support weight loss.
By avoiding meat and fish we can also avoid other issues which are not yet fully understood. Antibiotic resistance for example, is a growing concern. The overuse of antibiotics in livestock is being blamed for resistant bacteria and potential superbugs. Regarding fish and other seafood, the devastating ocean plastic crisis means that seafood eaters are ingesting up to 11,000 microplastics a year. Again, the consequences of which have not been fully researched.
Anyone choosing to follow a vegan diet should understand the importance of a balanced diet. Vegans should be aware of the risks of B12 and iron deficiency, both of which are common but easily managed with supplements and careful meal planning.
Better World Info's Afterthoughts on Veganism
We believe that animals should not be exploited for our own benefit. They are not commodities to eat, wear, abuse, and profit from. Afterall, if we can’t tell our children what we are doing to farm animals, then maybe what we are doing is wrong.
“Animals are not property or "things" but rather living organisms, subjects of a life, who are worthy of our compassion, respect, friendship, and support” - American biologist Marc Bekoff
With this in mind, and a whole host of excellent reasons to make the switch, Better World Info is here to help support you on your vegan journey. Make sure to check out our related topics such as animals, health and healthy lifestyles, and environment.
For our German speakers make sure to check out our sister site Bessere Welt Info and the category Veganerinnen for even more information.
Author: Rachael Mellor, 31.03.23 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
For further reading on Vegans see below ⬇️