Peace Prizes
- IPB awards MacBride Peace Prize 2013 to US whistleblower Bradley Manning - IPB 19.07.13131260
- U.S. PEACE MEMORIAL Foundation - Peace Prize 2013131261
- Another Peace Prize For Bradley Manning - Popular Resistance 27.07.13131262
- Chelsea Manning rejects 'pacifist' label in first statement since sentencing - Guardian 09.10.13131263
- Chelsea Manning statement: 'I don't consider myself anti-war or a conscientious objector' - Guardian 09.10.13131264
- Google News - Nobel Peace Prize131265
- Bradley Manning's Nobel Peace Prize - Petition by Roots Action131266
- Give Manning and Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize - Salon 03.08.13131267
- Why Bradley Manning deserves the Nobel Peace Prize - USA Today 30.07.13131268
- Bradley Manning should win the Nobel Peace Prize - Mairead MAGUIRE 30.06.13131269
- Manning deserves Nobel Peace Prize - Norman Solomon 30.07.13131270
- Ron Paul: Bradley Manning Promotes Peace More Than Obama - US News 12.04.13131271
- Nobel Peace Prize to Bradley Manning? - ConsortiumNews - 04.04.13131272
- An Outpouring of Love and Support for Bradley Manning to Receive the Nobel Peace Prize - Huffington Post 02.04.13131273
- Whistleblower Bradley Manning nominated for Nobel Peace Prize - ADN 03.04.13131274
- Bradley Manning Nobel Peace Prize Nomination 2013 - Global Research 04.03.13131275
- Bradley Manning Nobel Peace Prize Nomination 2012 - Birgitta Jónsdóttir 04.02.12131276
- Bradley Manning is nominated for a 2013 Nobel Peace Prize 01.02.13131277