Aminatou Haidar (Western Sahara)
- Aminatou Haidar (Western Sahara) - RLA 2019188883
- Video: Aminatou Haidar – Right Livelihood Award Laureate 2019192264
- Please retweet to share this important info192066
- @AminatouHaidar188902
- Facebook188928
- #AminatouHaidar - tw189027
- YouTube188997
- Google News188996
- Google Scholar 188995
- Morocco World News188942
- Aminatou Haidar - Oslo Freedom Forum188923
- Aminatou Haidar - Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights188920
- Sahrawi people - Wikipedia188911
- Sahrawi refugee camps - Wikipedia188912
- RFK Human Rights - Western Sahara188903
- Aminatou Haidar’s vision for a free Western Sahara - RLA 31.05.23351459
- Sahrawi activist Aminatou Haidar targeted with Pegasus spyware - RLA 09.03.22280400
- Video: A Message by Aminatou Haidar to the UN Security Council to take action on Western Sahara - Nushatta Foundation 09/19189184
- Video: Aminatou Haidar describes Moroccan act of repression in OT while talks are ongoing in Geneva - Equipemedia Sahara 03/19189185
- Video: Aminatou Haidar | Whitewashing Western Sahara's Struggle for Freedom | Oslo Freedom Forum 2016188901
- Documentary: Quien es Aminatou Haidar? - Filmalia Productions 02/12188927
- Video: Interview with Aminatou Haidar - RFK Human Rights 12/09189183
- Aminatou Haidar, the “Gandhi of Western Sahara,” Wins Right Livelihood Award - Democracy Now! 25.09.19 188917
- Alternativer Nobelpreis für Westsahara-Aktivistin: "Mir waren vier Jahre im Gefängnis die Augen verbunden - die ganze Zeit" - Spiegel 06.12.19192254
- Morocco: Reverse Expulsion of Sahrawi Activist - HRW 19.11.19188948
- 'Alternative Nobel Prize' lauds 'practical visionaries' - DW 25.09.19188921
- Documentary: Life Is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance In Western Sahara ft Aminatou Haidar- 2015188932
- Aminatou Haidar: the Sahrawi Gandhi - 03/13188924
- Documentary: Sons of the Clouds - IMDb review 2012188925
- Documentary Review: Javier Bardem On ‘Sons Of The Clouds’: Documentary Filmmaking As Activism - Huffington Post 05/12188926
- Western Sahara: Aminatou Haidar Deported - Huffington Post 05/11188938
- The longest day - New Internationalist 21.12.09188949
- Sahrawi human rights activist returns home after hunger strike - Amnesty International 18.12.09188952
- Hunger striker Aminatou Haidar returns to W Sahara - BBC 12/09188915
- Morocco allows Western Saharan hunger striker to return home - The Guardian 12/09188934
- Aminatou Haidar Under House Arrest: “They Are Silencing Saharan Voices So They Can Say I’m Alone” - Democracy Now 11.12.09188950
- Western Sahara activist on hunger strike at Lanzarote airport - Guardian 17.11.09188951
- Concert backs 'Gandhi of Sahara' - BBC 11/09188914
- Aminatou Haidar wins 2008 RFK Human Rights Award - SWS 09/08188935
- Book: Human Rights in Western Sahara and in the Tindouf Refugee Camps - Human Rights Watch 2008188922
- Opinion: With the Understanding of Gandhi, Aminatou Put Her Life on the Line - by Barbara Becker188939
- Equipe Media Western Sahara - YouTube Channel 192255
- File:Aminatouhaidartinoccupiedsahara.jpg - Wikimedia 189028
- Aminatou Haidar - Google Images189029
- Aminatou Haidar - Getty Images188937
- Time & Date - El Ayoun188904