Gonoshasthaya Kendra / Zafrullah Chowdhury (Bangladesh)
- Gonoshasthaya Kendra / Zafrullah Chowdhury (Bangladesh) - RLA 199282473
- Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK) - People‘s Health Center82474
- Zafrullah Chowdhury - Wikipedia82475
- Independence Day Award 1977 (Bangladeshi) - Wikipedia82477
- Zafrullah Chowdhury: The Politics of Essential Drugs: The Makings of a Successful Health Strategy: Lessons from Bangladesh 11/95 (amazon)82478
- CIA World Factbook - Bangladesh82479
- BBC country profile - Bangladesh 82480
- World Bank: Bangladesh82481
- Daily Star - Gonoshasthaya Kendra82482
- Daily Star - Zafrullah Chowdhury82483
- Khabir Ahmad: Demystifying health care - BMJ 11/0482484
- Time & Date - Dhaka82489