Seikatsu Club Consumers' Cooperative (Japan)
- Seikatsu Club Consumers‘ Cooperative (Japan) - RLA 198982773
- Wikipedia82775
- Google News82776
- Japan set to reject genetically engineered canola - TrueFood Network 9/0982777
- The Seikatsu Club Consumers Cooperative: A Unique Producer-Consumer Relationship in Japan - AsiaDHRRA 8/0782778
- Initiatives on Pro-Small Farmer Trade - AsiaDHRRA & (AFA) 2006 *pdf82779
- Japan‘s NO! GMO Campaign82780
- GMO Information Service Japan (GISJ)82781
- A Look Inside Japan‘s Seikatsu Club Consumers‘ Cooperative - Social Anarchism 2/0182782
- Google Search82783
- Google Images82784
- Tokyo Seikatsusha Network - Wikipedia82785
- Time & Date - Tokyo82786