Musa Anter (Turkey)
- Musa Anter - Wikipedia280766
- Musa Anter - Wikipedia - krd280768
- Musa Anter - Wikipedia - tr280767
- Memorials Dedicated to Musa Anter - Memorialize Turkey 280781
- Trial of Main JITEM and Musa Anter’s Murder - Faili Belli280782
- Musa Anter Davası - Faili Belli - tr280770
- Musa Anter peace train - Wikipedia 280794
- Obituary: Musa Anter - Independent 09/92280792
- Censorship By Assasination - HRW Report 12/92 - PDF280786
- JİTEM-Musa Anter - Military History 04/14280789
- Turkey: Kurdish writer Musa Anter, 74, murdered - Amnesty 09/92280769
- Mobilizing The Kurds in Turkey - METU Thesis 12/05 - PDF280798
- The Musa Anter Peace Train - Variant 09/97280793
- Musa Anter As Part of Kurdish Nationalism Debates - Hacettepe Uni. Master Thesis 2013 - PDF - tr280797
- Truth Justice Memory Center Report - Hakikat Adalet Hafıza 2015-2016 - PDF280791
- A Cry For Freedom - ACADEMIA - PDF280788
- The trials of Jamal Khashoggi and Musa Anter murder cases continue in Turkey: Challenge of providing justice - RSF 22.11.21280783
- The Turning Point in the Formation of Kurdish Left - Bogazici Uni. Thesis 2011 - PDF280799
- Step by step to expiry of statutory limitations in Musa Anter murder case - Bianet 23.03.22280776
- Reason for demonstration ban in Mardin: ‘Musa Anter’ - Bianet 20.09.21280773
- 15 months left till the expiry of statute of limitations in ‘Musa Anter Case’ - Bianet 08.04.21280774
- ‘Why is the Ministry of Justice silent on the Musa Anter case?’ - Bianet 30.07.21280775
- Murder case of Kurdish writer Musa Anter faces risk of being dropped in 18 months due to statute of limitations - Duvar 01/21280780
- Kurdish Journalist Musa Anter commemorated on 28th anniversary of his assassination - Bianet 09/20280772
- Assassination of Musa Anter: Witness testifies for the first time in 28 years - Bianet 06/20280779
- Musa Anter Awards Ceremony Held Despite Ban by Sub-Governorship - Bianet 09/17280778
- The Other Side of the Ergenekon: Extrajudicial Killings and Forced Disappearances - TESEV Report 12/13 - PDF280790
- Lawyer Accuses Turkey of Trying to Whitewash 1992 Killing of Kurdish Intellectual - Rudaw 12/13280784
- Musa Anter shooting suspect captured after two decades - World Bulletin 06/12280785
- Books of Killed Writer Musa Anter Investigated - Bianet 01/12280771
- Üç Devrin Tanığı: Modern Kürt Siyasi Tarihinin İçinden Musa Anter'i Okumak - Birikim 09/10 - tr280796
- Kurdish Play About The Life Of Musa Anter Banned In Izmir - Bianet 10/08280777
- BOOK: Kuşatmadan İnfaza-Musa Anter Cinayeti. Orhan Miroğlu.2012280787
- VIDEO: Moses Without Rod/Asasız Musa/Mûsayê Bê Asa - ICPSFF 2014280795