Nelson Mandela (South Africa)

Black and white image of an older Nelson Mandela, he wears a dark shirt and has grey hair. Behind him is a graphic of the South Africa flag in its bright colours of red, green, blue, and yellow
Awake MZANTSI | CC BY-SA 4.0

➡️ Nelson Mandela – South African Champion of Social Justice, Freedom, and Peace

Born in 1918 in apartheid South Africa, Mandela became involved in the anti-apartheid movement in his 20s and went on to become a global symbol of peace and reconciliation. His commitment to nonviolence in pursuit of a multi-racial South Africa and an end to white domination led to a 27-year prison sentence and, ultimately, his election as South Africa's first Black president in 1994.

Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize alongside F.W. de Klerk in 1993. Over the years, he has been honoured with more than 250 awards, including the UN Human Rights Prize and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, as a testament to his unwavering contribution to peace, equality, and human rights.

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"It is in your hands to make a better world for all who live in it." - Nelson Mandela


Colourful mural of Nelson Mandela painted in Ireland. Wearing a suit he holds his fist in the air. The words 'In my country we go to prison first and then we become President' are written below.
Pxhere | CC0 Public Domain

Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC)

In 1942, Mandela joined the ANC, a political organization that advocated for the rights of Black South Africans. Along with fellow members, he established the ANC Youth League. Mandela made it his mission to organize mass support and begin the shift to direct action and activism, including mass strikes, boycotts, protests and passive resistance.

The ANC ran many successful campaigns, some bringing together more than 8,000 supporters of South African unification. Shortly after becoming the National President of the ANC Youth League in 1951, Mandela's legal troubles began. Gaining such widespread attention had both positive and negative implications. After years of restrictions, bans, arrests, charges, and trials, he was eventually convicted and sentenced to 5 years on Robben Island.

It was during this sentence, despite already serving time, that the Rivonia Trial began. Mandela, along with nine other ANC leaders, were charged with life sentences for sabotage and attempting to violently overthrow the government. The trail was essentially a tool to silence and immobilize the ANC - and it worked. Mandela served 27 years, most of which was spent on the infamous Robben Island. Mandela's powerful speech during his trial resonated around the world. His willingness to die for a free and equal society cemented his status as a global symbol of resistance to oppression and commitment to unification and peace.


A example of racial segregation in apartheid South Africa. A person holds up two cards one which says non-Whites and one which says Whites
Solar782 | CC BY-SA 4.0

Apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid is now officially a crime against humanity, as set out in two separate treaties. As of 1998, it is also part of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Apartheid, meaning 'separateness' in Afrikaans, was integrated into South African politics and society by the all-White National Party as a way for leaders to usurp dominance over the country's Black majority. This form of legalized racism enforced racial segregation, enormous inequalities, and brutal discrimination between the years 1948 and 1994.

  • More than 3.5 million Black South Africans were forcibly displaced to Bantustans, deplorable reservations lacking amenities, basic infrastructure, and employment opportunities. People were arbitrarily placed according to their ethnicity.

  • Black South Africans were stripped of their voting rights and forbidden to engage in politics.

  • Afrikaans became the official language, labelling all Indigenous languages inferior. This excluded the majority of the Black community from work, education, and communication outside their tribes.

  • Attempts to defy white authoritarianism were met with brutal armed repression.

  • When apartheid ended, White South Africans (just 10% of the population) owned 90% of the land due to discriminatory land acts against Black citizens.

What did Mandela Achieve During his Presidency?

Mandela's number one priority was the dismantling of apartheid and the oppressive laws that existed alongside it. His policies worked to tackle institutionalized racism, poverty, and inequality, and foster racial reconciliation. In a divided country that lacked democracy, this was no easy feat.

A major achievement was the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), chaired by Desmond Tutu, which was designed to help heal the country and bring about a reconciliation of its people by uncovering the truth about the abuses under apartheid. Poverty and inequality reduction schemes involved the improvement of housing, education, healthcare and economic opportunities for the country's Black population. Pregnant women and children under the age of 6 were given free healthcare.

Mandela created a new constitution for the nation, which established a strong central government based on a democratic majority rule. For the first time, it guaranteed the rights of minorities and freedom of expression. It was founded on human dignity, non-racism and non-sexism, and the rule of law.

The legacy of apartheid had destroyed South Africa's economy. The Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) policy was introduced in 1996 to enable the liberalization of the economy. It laid an important foundation for the country's economic progress.

In 1999, Mandela retired from politics but remained active in peace brokering and various philanthropic projects. His final public appearance was made at the 2010 World Cup Final in Johannesburg, the biggest sporting event Africa has ever seen. More than 85,000 spectators rose to their feet to applaud their country's most inspiring hero.


Black and white image of many protesters holding placards with calls to demilitarise the police. One young woman in the middle is yelling into a microphone.
Flickr | Johnny Silvercloud

The Future of Social Justice in a Post-Mandela World

At the age of 95, Nelson Mandela passed away in 2013. His death was met with tributes from millions around the world. Although the legend and spirit of Mandela still lives on, there is still much work to be done in South Africa.

After more than 3 decades of progress following the abolishment of apartheid, South Africa's societal gains are deteriorating. Over half the population lives below the poverty line, the majority of which are Black or South Africans of mixed race. Unemployment levels are a staggering 28%. Black people in South Africa are still less likely to get well-paid jobs and attend university.

Massive inequalities persist. The wealth gap between the countries' rich and poor has grown to the point where 71% of wealth is now held by just 10% of the population. The poorest 60% hold only 7% of assets. This makes South Africa the most unequal country in the world.

Nelson Mandela's legacy abroad continues to influence modern social justice movements such as Black Lives Matter. His approach to combating systemic racism and promoting social cohesion gives us hope in the power of unity, collective action, and nonviolence in achieving societal transformation.

Author: Rachael Mellor, 30.01.25 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0

For further reading on Nelson Mandela see below ⬇️

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