Robert J Burrowes (Australia)
- ROBERT J. Burrowes website128023
- The PEOPLE’s CHARTER to Create a Nonviolent World128024
- WHY VIOLENCE? - Robert J. Burrowes *.pdf128025
- THE FLAME TREE PROJECT - To Save Life on Earth *.pdf128027
- ANITA McKone - Singing Nonviolence128028
- About Anita128029
- Twitter Search - Robert128030
- Twitter Search - Anita128031
- Pressenza128032
- LA Progressive128033
- Eurasia Review128034
- CounterCurrents128035
- Foreign Policy News128036
- Google News - Robert128037
- Nonviolent Intervention Across Borders: A Recurrent Vision 2/00 (amazon)128038
- The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach 11/95 (amazon)128039
- The journey to self-awareness - English Pravda 6/14128041
- The Great Human Delusion: All Parents Love their Children - Lahore Times 6/14128042
- The Global Elite is Insane - English Pravda 2/14128043
- An Open Letter to Soldiers with ‘Mental Health’ Issues - Transcend 1/14128044
- The Survival of Humanity - Scientific American 13.09.13128045
- Understanding Obama and other people who kill - English Pravda 5/13128047
- An Integrated Strategy to Fight for Human Survival 9/12128048
- Global Movement to Create a Non-Violent World Launched 12/11128049
- Why are human beings violent? - CounterCurrents 8/12128050
- Worldwide Movement To End Violence Gathers Momentum 8/12128051
- Guest Editorial: A New Movement for Nonviolent Change - Satyagraha Foundation 14.11.13128052
- The Political Objective and Strategic Goal of Nonviolent Actions128053
- Time & Date - Melbourne128055
- Google Search - Robert128056
- Google Search - Anita128057