Paul Watson (Canada)
- Paul Watson - Wikipedia115285
- Biography & Facts - Britannica 294303
- Antiwhaling activist Paul Watson released as Denmark rejects extradition - Al Jazeera 17.12.24446192
- Anti-Whaling Activist Paul Watson Arrested in Greenland, May Face Extradition to Japan - CD 22.07.24427129
- Environmental Pirate Paul Watson Runs Aground In Paris - worldcrunch 25.06.2022294298
- Can We Save Our Planet? What About Ourselves? Interview With Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson. - gue 03.11.2020294300
- The laws of ecology, for the survival of the human species - Lifegate 13.12.2019294299
- End of the Line? Paul Watson and the Future of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - Theartsjournal 2/14294304
- Sea Shepherd: 'Watson would never get out of jail' - dw 7/12294301
- Environmentalist arrested in Frankfurt remanded in custody - dw 5/12294302