Ikal Angelei (Kenya)
- Ikal Angelei - Goldman Prize 2012116212
- Friends of Lake Turkana116213
- Friends of Lake Turkana - Blog116214
- Friends of Lake Turkana - Video Gallery116215
- Receiving the Goldman Environmental Award - Ikal Angelei116216
- 2012 Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa: Ikal Angelei - YouTube116217
- 2012 Goldman Environmental Prize Ceremony: Ikal Angelei - YouTube116218
- Kenyan activist honoured for tireless opposition to Ethiopian dam project 5/12116219
- Le Prix Goldman 2012 Afrique va au Kenya - Gabon Review 5/12116220
- Minister’s firm sold Turkana oil block for Sh800m 116221
- Give Indigenous Peoples a Voice116222
- Oil & Isolation - Korea Times 5/12116223
- Facebook116224
- Twitter116225
- YouTube116226
- Google News116227
- Google Images116228
- Date & Time - Nairobi116229